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Bosses drop pets.

Sep 08, 2008
I have browsed through the forum, and have not found anything about pets and where they drop.

I had tried asking other players, but they conveniently forget where they got them from.

I want the red dog/wolf pet. :-P If any of you know which baddie I have to fight for this kind of pet drop, let me know. :-P

Also, you can use this post to start making a list of pet drops from different baddies.

I was told the dark sprite drops off of the Pumpkin King in Triton.
The healing sprite (like in the level 1 sprite animation) drops off of Alican the Fire Elf in Firecat.

Do multiple pets drop off of a single boss? Lets take advantage of this new post (well, MAYBE this is a new post).

Jun 24, 2008
If you're talking about a Heckhound, you can find him on Krokosphinx. He is sort of a yellow and red dog.

EDIT: Krokosphinx is in Krokotopia, the second world you go to after Wizard City. After you complete the Pyramid of Fire part, you can go on a boat to an island. That island is Krokosphinx. Hope I helped ;)

Sep 08, 2008
Thank you, you did help :-). I also managed to "discover" it by checking out the vendor that sells it, a little while after the post was posted.

I want to keep this post going. I see that it still has only one response :-P
I would like for everyone that remembers pet drops to list the pet name and the mob that drops it.

People, just for the heck of it, may look up this post and see if they want a rather unique pet, and see where they can get it.

Bugeyes Mcgee- a orange mander from Krokotopia. He drops from the second boss (or the first boss that General Khabla makes you defeat in the quest line), in Hall of Champions.

Firecat-I dont remember his actual name, nor the actual boss that dropped it. But it is dropped from one of the Emperor's retreat boss fights.

Snow Serpent 2-I was informed that this pet dropped from one of the gobbler bosses that you fight before you can talk to the Gobbler King, in Colossus Boulevard. (This information was thanks to Mycan.) And I hope he confirms this by replying to this post :-P.

Sep 08, 2008
I have found a post listed in the Ravenwood Commons.
It has the exact list on there created for people that want to look up pet drops.

The list is not complete, and the author encourages everyone to contribute. Lets make his post a good reference post for pet drops, so people know what they can fight to receive that particular pet.

Thanks guys.