I recently got the myth sprite dropped from Rattlebones, and thought it would be fun to collect the sprite and dark sprite to go with her. I have been repeatedly battling Alicane (enough to get four 24 hr mounts dropped) and Bastilla Gravewynd (hey another of her staffs!) over the last several days but no pet drops. Were some of the old boss pet drops removed with the recent change, or am I just extraordinarily unlucky?
I gave up on Foulgaze because I was getting a significant amount of no loot drops from him (one is six?). Nightshade is too hard with three minions.
I have spent twice the time with Alicane that it took me to get the pets off of both Gobblestone and Akilles. If it is just bad luck on my part, I can deal, but it seemed plausible that there could be a correlation with the changes to pets in general.
I gave up on Foulgaze because I was getting a significant amount of no loot drops from him (one is six?). Nightshade is too hard with three minions.
I have spent twice the time with Alicane that it took me to get the pets off of both Gobblestone and Akilles. If it is just bad luck on my part, I can deal, but it seemed plausible that there could be a correlation with the changes to pets in general.
Nightshade is much easier with just you and another strong wizard,as he will only have one minion.
Alicane swiftarrow still drops the sprite but it is hard to get. I farmed him on and off (usually 10-20 times each) for two weeks and just got it last night. The dark fairy from Nightshade is the same way. I ended up with around 15 one day mounts after it was all said and done but keep trying, they still drop these pets!
Well, until very recently, I had no idea about the myth sprite. When I learned of it, I started farming Rattlebones to get one. In only a day or two I managed to win at least 5 eggs, although I'd fought him several times before without knowing of this pet.