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Where do you get rare pets

May 31, 2010
I have seen people with all these cool pets and I am getting jealous, Like for example i have seen people with lost souls, dark fairys, or even these elephant things. Can you guys please tell me where to get these cool pets?

Jun 09, 2009
It would be better for you to go to wizard101central fan site and go to pet guides and look for the pet list to show all pets, all colors, all locations. This would be a lot faster to finding pets.

Mar 15, 2009
SimpleBear5 wrote:
I have seen people with all these cool pets and I am getting jealous, Like for example i have seen people with lost souls, dark fairys, or even these elephant things. Can you guys please tell me where to get these cool pets?

hatching pet is how you get them,the ppl you see with those pets live on here just to hatch them they spend hours an days on here trying to get them.

Apr 03, 2010
Lost Soul (blue ghost ) - dropped from general akkiles
Dark fairy - nightshade
and elephants- either a helephant which fire students get at level 48 or a storm demon which is a promotion gift.
you can also get variations by hatching... but IMO thats way to much money just to get another pet worth 1% of that

Dec 19, 2008
There's about a 50% chance of getting a hybrid pet when combining any level 48+ pet with a different one. The only thing I can say about those pets are: They look EPIC! If you combine an orthrus with a stormzilla you could get a two headed dog with storm symbols on it. Trust me, they all look awesome! Even though most people say it's a waste of gold to be using the hatching system, I find it worth every percentage of gold.

Rachel Rainhaven level 50 storm
Jennifer Angleweaver level 59 ice

Apr 01, 2009
SimpleBear5 wrote:
I have seen people with all these cool pets and I am getting jealous, Like for example i have seen people with lost souls, dark fairys, or even these elephant things. Can you guys please tell me where to get these cool pets?

Umkay. So the lost soul is dropped. (I dunno where...)
The elephant things, either the helephant, like the other guy said, is a fire school thing. OR!!! There is a Jade Oni elephant pet that you can buy from Dragonspyre's pet store.
As for the dark sprite, also dropped. Didn't help much, since these things were already stated, but i'm bored, can't get to sleep, and drank too much soda. lol.

"When life gives you lemons, keep them. Cuz hey, free lemons!" :-D