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big suggestions (géneral)

Feb 01, 2009
hey i jsut have a few ideas for the game like for example with the pets whene they reach a surten stage they should be able to fight just like a henchmenorminion... or fully custamisable gear not only the color but that you can make from various pieces of the staff like the hilt,the stick,etc. pls reply

Oct 18, 2009
i know lots of people don't get the exact feeling they expected from their newly bought castles and homes. i suggest you make it possible to add MUSIC to the homes, and really give the feeling they intended. Sure, wallpapers and floor tiles are nice, but like the storm house, when you go outside it's all just a big storm and wallpapers and floor tiles can't help.
Please Reply, Thank you :D

Feb 01, 2009
i agree
i think that they should add a school that balance has an advantage againts in celesta