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Henchmen job for real people

Apr 23, 2010
Ok so I was thinking one day about henchmen.they weren't very smart.so I thought maybe there would be a great solution. What if players who payed a large amount of crowns("20000-50000 depending on the amount of time)to become a henchmen for a certain amount of time. The buyers of those henchmen would pay more than normal henchmen and the people who were those henchmen would get payed a certain amount of crowns each person They helped. Most likely hard core players would gain a small amount more than they spent(maybe)and the people who are not as serious would lose crowns. So if people worked hard they might gain some crowns and players(not henchmen)would get better help. Sorry if I misspelled anything I'm writing this on my ipod. Please consider we need better help!!! :D