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To the makers of the game.

May 31, 2009
The recent changes with the cards in our deck has me wondering several things. Dont get me wrong, I feel what you did was correct to do. The cards players were using were cards not intended for use by those players. Thus making the game different in such a way that you had to step in and make changes. I never saw reason for a fire wizard to have frost Giant or storm lord. But what concerns me is what will be the change of the future?
My question is this. Will the Grandmaster i am going to delete, be able to transfer treasure cards to the NEW wizard i am making? In the past I have always had some higher spell cards in treasure for my wizard for those times the Boss was high health. I have played Wizard 101 for over a year now and maybe played PVP maybe tree times. I never use high spells in PVP cause i dont play there. But as a benefit from deleteing a Grandmaster I felt the new wizard should have some sort of benefit for the hard work and effort that went into that Grandmaster that was deleted.
Please tell me will my New wizards be able to get cards from an outgoing Grandmaster? If not, then why should i make a new Wizard OR Grandmaster? In my playing here I have had least 10 to 12 Grandmasters., and every time i delete one the new gets benefit from the efforts of the last and now this is no more? If I cant quest in comfort of having those higher cards My grand left me then why quest at all.
I dont plan on making any new wizards till I see what takes place for future. This means i will not have questing to do but only what I can find to do in the game. You need to make it possible for new wizards to get some sort benefit from the last, or no new ones will be made. I did not make a Grandmaster to have a new wizard and struggle because he lack the cards he could have had.
So My playing here stops as soom as my recent wizard reaches Grand. Then I will have no questing for any of them to do, and i ride around the game looking and getting Bored. Is there Life after 50? Hurry in the new realm so we can continue to play. I always felt you should have had a Grandmaster level one and a Grandmaster level two and three and four and so forth. Your Grandmaster is always going up in Grandmaster levels. Weather you set Mooshu and Dragonspyre as the worlds to conquer to get a Grandmaster level it dont matter. But this way a Grandmaster can keep playing and keep leveling in a Grandmaster level. But for now it all ends at 50 and you have to delete or just look for things to do.
I sincerely hope the new world holds questing for my Grandmasters. Then why did i make them? One was to enjoy the game, I always enjoy questing in the game, But it ends now at 50. Grands should have been allowed to continue leveling in their own Grand level. Repeating realms maybe in certain orders or something. Right now i am worried that any new wizards will not benefit from their former wizard. This stops the game for me.

Jul 04, 2009
First of off, you cannot play two wizards from the same account at the same time. Treasure cards have never been able to be put into the shared bank. If, however, you have multiple accounts, as long as the treasure cards from your grandmaster are not enchanted treasure cards, you can still trade them to your lower level wizards. So if you have cards from drops, purchases, or crafting, then you can still trade them.

Quite frankly, it's never been the treasure cards that I want to pass down to my lower level wizards, but the equipment that my higher level wizards get as rewards but are not for their school. It's those items that are more important to me than being able to have treasure cards.

To be honest, the only treasure cards any of my wizards (2 accounts, all schools) ever have in their deck are the prisms. I absolutely hate relying on the lousy deck dealer to put one in my hand. After three rounds, if I don't see one, I just discard and draw it.