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Expensive much??

Nov 09, 2009
Have you had troubles with mixing pets? Where it tells you that you only have, lets say 20,000 gold. do you know why this is? Well, aparently, mixing a pet can cost up to One hundred thousand gold pieces!!! That would be enough to buy one of the school houses. Is it worth it??

Dec 13, 2009
Yes, that is too expinsive and really isnt worth it. They do need to change the price of that becuase no one that i know of is going to pay that much to just mix a pet. I would rather buy a school house with 100,000 gold!!! (Dont have to mess with it right now KI. )

Lauren Skyriver
lvl 50
Ice wizard

Aug 12, 2009
Jackman113 wrote:
Have you had troubles with mixing pets? Where it tells you that you only have, lets say 20,000 gold. do you know why this is? Well, aparently, mixing a pet can cost up to One hundred thousand gold pieces!!! That would be enough to buy one of the school houses. Is it worth it??

Actually, it can cost up to 150,000 Gold, depending on pets used.

Honestly, I wish people would stop crying about the price! At least its Gold and not CROWNS! SERIOUSLY!

May 19, 2009
Jul 08, 2009
Jackman113 wrote:
Have you had troubles with mixing pets? Where it tells you that you only have, lets say 20,000 gold. do you know why this is? Well, aparently, mixing a pet can cost up to One hundred thousand gold pieces!!! That would be enough to buy one of the school houses. Is it worth it??
No it isnt. i dont want to waste 80,000 gold to mix a satyr and an orthrus to get a satyr i cant use. I would buy a school house not mix pets for a unuseable pet wasting months of farming.

Dec 18, 2009
Jackman113 wrote:
Have you had troubles with mixing pets? Where it tells you that you only have, lets say 20,000 gold. do you know why this is? Well, aparently, mixing a pet can cost up to One hundred thousand gold pieces!!! That would be enough to buy one of the school houses. Is it worth it??
mixing pets would NOT be worth it because there is a 90% chance of getting the pet you already owned but if it's a HIGHLY rare pet it's maybe worth it

Jan 27, 2009
Actually it is only worth it on one occasion and even then it's a stretch. When you hatch together 2 level 48 pets you get something different from ether one. For instance if you mix stormzilla and orthrus you could get a storm colored orthrus that gives stormzilla or a mythzilla that gives orthrus. And there are tones of combinations

Dec 29, 2008
I agree. I have over 100,000 gold and that was still not enough to hatch a pet. Its costs so much more to hatch them that i would much rather just buy the pets like before. I already pay to have a subscription, im not gonna buy a butt load of crowns to buy gold to have enough to hatch a pet. The price definitly needs to be lowered significantly.

Just a thought.... KI has recently started making in my opinion too many things that need to be bought with crowns that it is a little ridiculus. I am thinking about canceling my membership, its just too expensive for a game and its not as fun anymore.

Feb 03, 2010
Jackman113 wrote:
Have you had troubles with mixing pets? Where it tells you that you only have, lets say 20,000 gold. do you know why this is? Well, aparently, mixing a pet can cost up to One hundred thousand gold pieces!!! That would be enough to buy one of the school houses. Is it worth it??

nope. because....

thunderbird120 May/31/2010 8:37 pm Subject: Re:Expensive much??


Actually it is only worth it on one occasion and even then it's a stretch. When you hatch together 2 level 48 pets you get something different from ether one. For instance if you mix stormzilla and orthrus you could get a storm colored orthrus that gives stormzilla or a mythzilla that gives orthrus. And there are tones of combinations

I spent over 106k gold only to find out that an earthwalker and a crimsonzilla give a crimsonzilla.

Dec 20, 2009
Johnist wrote:
Jackman113 wrote:
Have you had troubles with mixing pets? Where it tells you that you only have, lets say 20,000 gold. do you know why this is? Well, aparently, mixing a pet can cost up to One hundred thousand gold pieces!!! That would be enough to buy one of the school houses. Is it worth it??

Actually, it can cost up to 150,000 Gold, depending on pets used.

Honestly, I wish people would stop crying about the price! At least its Gold and not CROWNS! SERIOUSLY!

Really, I can tell you have no desires to breed the pets you have. Unless You plan to buy gold online. Which is about the same thing as paying for crowns. If you plan to farm, then let us know what pet you get. Should hear from you in about...... Ummm........ 3/4th of a year. Hope it is more than piggle hybrid Good luck.