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celestia spotted on the spiral map

Feb 26, 2009
DarthNexus wrote:
arcanemaster46 wrote:
since were talking about celestia i think it will be an African theme.I think this mainly because well every world on the spiral is the equivalent of a country in OUR world KT = Egypt , MS = far east, MB = Europe , GH = ancient Europe , and Dragonspyre(i forgot the abreviations xD) is like the earth when it was first made and oh WC = the Americas (I think) as you can see each world is the equivalent of a country in our world :P and celestia might be India or Africa I'm betting Africa because Africa its almost always sunny and CELEStia

lol Africa, i guess you havent been reading the updates.

GUYS! LISTEN! CELESTIA will be an underwater world! Besides ALL THE PROOF! Celestia is a moon of Neptune IRL and is LITTERALLY ATALNTIS IN ROMAN

dragonspyre is based on greek coulture and more specifically mooshu is based on china and mb of course is based on london's sight seeing landmarks (big ben, Hyde park, Newgate Prison) and kt yah nailed it, Egypt. But PLEASE don't mistake Celestia to be an african world because it's practically gonna be the exact opposite

Mar 29, 2009
matt6888 wrote:
christopher62597 wrote:
since were talking about celestia i think it will be an African theme.I think this mainly because well every world on the spiral is the equivalent of a country in OUR world KT = Egypt , MS = far east, MB = Europe , GH = ancient Europe , and Dragonspyre(i forgot the abreviations xD) is like the earth when it was first made and oh WC = the Americas (I think) as you can see each world is the equivalent of a country in our world :P and celestia might be India or Africa I'm betting Africa because Africa its almost always sunny and CELEStia :mrgreen

Actually you are wrong, because Ambrose himself said that Celestia was inspired by Atlantis not Africa.

Also not every single world is based on a country on Earth most of them are but Wizard City is not based on the America's its almost like Hogwarts in a way.

ty for reading

I agree but it will probably be a school themed world like this
WC=all of them
Celestia will probably be myth, or ice because high up in atmosphere it is cold, or even death seeing how humans are not able to live there or it could even be What ever school ambrose is in

Well Cl (celestia) might be ice or storm themed. Atlantis=water. Also the celestian trident was ice so. :P

Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance

Feb 18, 2010
its going to be like atlantis i know it. i see it in my mind when i hear the name celestia. only i kind of imagine parts of it like the atlantis from the spongebob episode! lol! o and also that old Atlantis disney movie.

May 07, 2010
Many historians now think that Ancient Minoans were the origin of the Atlantis myth. They were wiped off the face of the earth by a tsunami.

I'll be impressed if Celestia has a lot of Minoan design influence. And considering what happened to Atlantis/Minoans, Celestia will definitely be Storm based.

The Greek culture that rose after the destruction of the Minoans took many elements of Minoan culture into their own.

Jul 12, 2009
Those have always been there. I know because I took a screenshot of myself standing next to it when I was lvl 20 and thought it was soooo cool. :P

Abigail Spiritrider

Feb 23, 2010
Maryanne20 wrote:
I did spot the chunks on the map, cool so there is 3 more worlds after Celestia maybe if the chunks represent worlds not accesable yet.

yeah, games like this aren't made to really end. If they do, then they lose more subscribers. As long as the game is successful, there will be new worlds added every so often.

Sep 20, 2008
Jul 21, 2010
arcane no offense but celestia is realated to both the heavens and under sea. Plus Grizzleheim is Norse like where Thor is from.

Dec 19, 2008
mythomagic6 wrote:
roccorocker wrote:
I dont care what it looks like I just found out we get squid mounts OOH YEA 8)

Really? Where'd you get that information? I'd like to read it, please.

Go to youtube and search: Wizard101 celestia and you'll see a picture of a woman in black it tells you ALL the info about the teachers and reveals secrets :D

Dec 19, 2008
Dragonspyre has kinda a them just a world that was turned into ruins by malistaire you see there is a dungeon where you go to the past and you see how Dragonspyre was in the past so it was basically a world but idk what state country continent or whatevr but the theme is its a world turned into ruins

Dec 19, 2008
Mooshu is based on an asian ninja culture


Apr 14, 2009
arcanemaster46 wrote:
since were talking about celestia i think it will be an African theme.I think this mainly because well every world on the spiral is the equivalent of a country in OUR world KT = Egypt , MS = far east, MB = Europe , GH = ancient Europe , and Dragonspyre(i forgot the abreviations xD) is like the earth when it was first made and oh WC = the Americas (I think) as you can see each world is the equivalent of a country in our world :P and celestia might be India or Africa I'm betting Africa because Africa its almost always sunny and CELEStia

first off moo shue is ancheint japen and celestia UNDER WATER and gh
is ancient norseland

Jun 26, 2009
how do you get the idea africa i mean really for one africa isnt under water atlantis is how ever you got the idea africa is underwater i just dont know celestia will be under water and there new schools sun moon stars

Sep 11, 2010
The chunks of land are, as is said, obviously worlds that cannot be accessed yet. I assume that whoever researches the Spiral (and possibly the magic involved in it, that also allows us to talk to people that technically haven't been in contact with anyone else for thousands of years) have discovered these worlds, but hasn't managed to make a Spiral Key for them yet.

Celestia, as has been said, is underwater. The name, though, is similar to "celestial", which might be the source of some of the confusion. The African themed world already exists, anyway: Krokotopia. Did you forget that Egypt is a part of Africa?

As for the various worlds, their inspiration is very, very clear (especially to this northern european):

Wizard City: Generic fantasy school / village. Western influence in the arcitechture, but that's all.

Krokotopia: Very, very obviously inspired by ancient Egypt (with pyramids, sphinxes and pharaohs).

Marleybone: London. No doubts there - Big Ben, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens ect.

Mooshu: Ancient China, with some elements from Japan (mostly in armors and honor codes).

Dragonspyre: An odd mix of modern east european and russian, with dashes of the old folklore from both. The only greek things I see there are the columns on buildings.

Grizzleheim: Ancient northern european - aka "Vikings!(tm)". Names, architecture and geography is a mix of everything from these countries.

Celestia: Even though it isn't out anywhere, that will probably be the Greek influenced place. I predict togas, laurels and temples made from stone columns as far as the eye can see.

May 18, 2009
I just wish it would hurry up and get here. Had to do all that to get the spiral key and now you have to wait to get there. Kinda stinks...

Jul 29, 2009
Dragonspyre is styled after the fallen Byzantine empire. Just saying.