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Why do U play wizard101?

Jul 02, 2010
I started playing the game with my daughter. She plays occasionally, I on the other hand, play much more frequently. For me, its the turn based collectable card combat system that has me hooked. Very fun.

Mar 22, 2010
Please could you rewrite that? I'm sorry, but I can't read any of it.

Oct 11, 2008
Kelsey001 wrote:
livee wrote:
Hey peoples! I was thinkin bout this the other day, I thought 2 myself 'why do I play wizard101?' and the reason why was: 1 it's hard 4 me 2 make friends 2 this is where I can escape real life 3 u can meet some really nice people 4 it helps me take my mind off things and 5 people r really mean to me and when I go on wizard101 I feel like all my friends are waiting 4 me and my bad days turn good ;]

how bout u? What r/is ur reason(s) u play wizard101

-Olivia GriffinDust lvl 50 ice, Diana NightWhisper, AND Megan NightWhisper both lvl 1 (first, second, and third account star people)

Hello livee,
I mostly have the same reasons as you which doesn't make it hard to relate. the only thing that isn't the same reason is that people are mean to you :( people sometimes make fun of me for my height so i can realate to it but anyway i am sorry you get bullied and yes this game keeps my mind of the bad things!

ty for feeling sry for me, ur a very kind person :)

Sep 20, 2008
Jun 19, 2009
The reason everybody else plays........ CAUSE IT'S AWESOME! lol. But how I started playing was that a friend at school told me about it. At first I thought the game was dumb and didn't play it. Then one of my neighbors (who is a kid) forced me to play it and now i'm glad he did. I loved the game and couldn't get off it. I started playing for free then found out that it is a lot more fun buying a subscription. At the moment I played toontown but decided to quit it. Let's face it, toontown is getting pretty boring. And I wanted a game with actual humans not animals/toons. I think wiz101 ROCKS and am excited about the new world .

James Skull Wielder
level 49 death

Jan 08, 2010
i play because i need to get away from my brother. he picks on me constantly. if i wouldnt be playing this game my bro would be in the hospital right now.

from: Brian Fairyfist

Jul 26, 2009
Why? Because after over 2 years of playing Maplestory (3 characters all 4th job) I would rather bang my head on the desk than play one more minute of it.

Why? Wizard 101 is well made. The story lines are thought out. The character builds are generally very balanced. The game is visually beautiful. Also, I love the fact that the game is quest/story driven rather than grind driven. Killing endless hoards of monsters for no apparent reason just isn't as appealing as it once was.

Why? I belong to a gaming family. My mom (62) and I (33) live 4 hours apart. She is my best bud. We game together as a way to "bond". :D Sometimes even my husband (32) joins in on the fun. Currently he and I are working on finishing the game as a pair of Fire wizards. Level 48 now! Yes, we are adults and play a "kids" game. The adult games aren't much fun as they take themselves WAY too seriously. LOL.

Ellie Sky Grandmaster Life
Ellie Sky Grandmaster Storm
Ellie Sky lvl 48 Fire
Mom: Scarlet Fairysong lvl 46 or 47 Balance
Husband: Logan Sky lvl 48 Fire

Jun 21, 2009
Nov 02, 2008
mightygirl1001 wrote:
Well, I was playing another online game called Toontown (yeah yeah make fun ) My dad, brother, and I saw the Wizard 101 commercial multiple times. Finally I decided that maybe I should give it a try. So after a couple of glitches and junk....


So now I'm addicted. My dad got started on it but he never got hooked. My brother didn't really get into it either. So I'm the only wizard the family.

Oh btw I enventually quit Toontown. It was too boring so dad canceled the account.

Kaitlyn IceRiver Adept Thaumaturge
Lucas LifeGiver Magus Theurgist
Angel Talon Initiate Necromancer
Shelby Moon Novice Necromancer :(

I used to play it too, I got sort of far but it wasn't too fun after a while. I still have the account but I haven't been on it in the four months. lol

Dec 16, 2009
I play because quite frankly.... I'm a nerd. I'm into books and computers, and I love fantasy. Wizard101 is amazing and the references to books and movies from the outside world always crack me up. Like the map room in Krok from Indiana Jones I really love this game. I'm sure it's unhealthy but who really cares? So... yeah. KI, keep up the good work. Hur-rah! 8)

Sep 26, 2009
I saw the commercials on TV, but I didn't really pay attention to it. Then my friends convinced me to try it. After I gained a few levels I got addicted and didnt want to get off of it. Now I am a GM. I like playing it cause its just fun and I like to hang out with my real life friends on it.

Sabrina Pixiegem
Grand Life

Feb 26, 2009
livee wrote:
Hey peoples! I was thinkin bout this the other day, I thought 2 myself 'why do I play wizard101?' and the reason why was: 1 it's hard 4 me 2 make friends 2 this is where I can escape real life 3 u can meet some really nice people 4 it helps me take my mind off things 5 people r really mean to me and when I go on wizard101 I feel like all my friends are waiting 4 me and my bad days turn good ;] aaaaand 6 my style is emo, just the style, and thats y people make fun of me, but its worth it, i'd rather be myself and be made fun of, then be like everyone else and be friends with the mean girls and just be another clone, i found this quote in a book: "you may make some enemies, but you will ... also find supporters"

how bout u? What r/is ur reason(s) u play wizard101

-Olivia GriffinDust lvl 50 ice, Diana NightWhisper, AND Megan NightWhisper both lvl 1 (first, second, and third account star people)

i'm sorry that you can't make friends :(

Jun 20, 2009
funny story. first i see the ad use bing and it says you must bye a subscription. a while later i try it again and get on free. played for awhile free then used birthday money for suscription and here i am now

Chase summerfreind level 24 ice
digby bluestrider level 19 fire
duncan level 20 balance

Jul 21, 2010
well for me is like this
i have played alot of online games. i started with playing the sims online. that grew old everyone started to leave the game and it got shut down. i moved on to secondlife( a very adult game) after a lil over a year got bored with that. by that time my kids were old enough to start playing games with me so i went looking for more family friendly games and i found toon town. which at first was good but got bored and unlike wizard101 you cant combine accounts for a cheaper price. so we moved on and i found free realms, very good game until they ruined it and changed the combat style now the combat is this 11111111121111111121113111 thats all you doing when fighting yea BORING lol so after going threw downloading and trying like 5 other games that wasnt what we wanted i found wizard101 and i love it. im worried with playing so much and leveling so fast will i get to the end to fast and then be bored so i made more chars and switch between them lol maybe that make it last longer and i wont have to go off looking for a new game anytime soon. or they just keep up with us and make more and more quest :) that was one the things with free realms too not only did combat change to something a baby could do i also ran out of quest

Mar 01, 2009
my sister and i saw the commercial one day and we each thought the same thing,"We should try it." so my sister goes to wizard101.com and starts an account and made a character she played a little and then let me play. it was SOOOO fun. after i logged off of her account i made my own even though it was very late. we did all o wizard city that we could without a subscription and then we decided to get a subscription. so we were then able to do the other worlds.
there are some reasons why i like it
2. i made new friends
3. i get bored with real life a lot
4. i don't have a lot of friends in real life
5. you can be yourself or not( i made a guy character even though i am a girl)
6. it gives me something to do
7. i can do what i want to do in the game
8. FIGHTING MALISTAIRE! (idk how to spell his name)

Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster pyromancer
Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 living the life

Feb 14, 2010
I PLAY WIZARD 101 BECAUSE...........because it's awesome. cool. easy to make conversations . MOST people are nice. and my best friend got me into it.

Jul 01, 2009
I think it's great entertainment. Pure Joy.

Jacob Dragonrider lvl 49 Master Pyromancer

Jun 22, 2009
i play because i am picked on at school cause i am into computers and that i am pretty skinny and wizard is my safe heaven no one picks on me it is an awesome society

Dec 15, 2008
One of the reasons i play wizard101 is, due to the fact i am a guy in colourguard, i dont get much respect at my school. so it helps me escape reality.

Daniel Stormstaff
Grandmaster Diviner