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The museum

Dec 12, 2008
well, one day i was checking the bazaar for interesting housing items, and i came across short metal fence. i decided, hey, WHY NOT MAKE A MUSEUM OUT OF MY HOUSE???? so now, i have a grand fortress as a museum. but i thought today, why not have a house, that already is basically made to be a museum?

so, then i came to the idea to have big paned shelves and spaces that have a glass window that you can click on (the owner can anyways) to make it disappear so you can add items on the inside, then click on the item in your inventory to place it right back where it stood. also walk in rooms that have the same idea? and also we could make a feature possibly to have the option to, charge a small fee? maximum would be 50 gold a person, and you can adjust it to your liking, or you dont use it at all.

I also came up with the idea that you can set friends to be tour guides, security guards, maintenance workers, etc.? and some of the profit can come towards them. and also they have the ability to come behind exhibit windows and/or go into security booths.

So, that's the idea

Community Leader
OH! housing ideals yes I see a good need for this most shelving you have like books cases do help with this ,but not all things can be placed on them.
You can also use the wall shelf dark or carved work to place a single item on them but only at the same height.
There is a Krok shelf that has glass dividers its the book case ;)
I would love very simple glass shelving.

I agree the museum ideal is fantastic :)

May 02, 2009
I must say, that's not a bad idea.

While I read that I imagnined the place in my mind, and what I pictured was something kinda like Marleybone. Kinda hard for me to discribe, but I like your idea.