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what would a death world be like?

Feb 26, 2009
If there was a death world it would be cool. It would be like the underworld for all the monsters you've faced in the past! :D So like after yer done with one section you face krokopatra and the other one jade oni and the street bosses are the same. And the coolest part is that at the entrance there's cereberus (the three headed dog thing off harry potter?)
yeah that thing guards it. (by the way it's for like lvl sixty guys)

Feb 26, 2009
Charziard wrote:
If there was a death world it would be cool. It would be like the underworld for all the monsters you've faced in the past! :D So like after yer done with one section you face krokopatra and the other one jade oni and the street bosses are the same. And the coolest part is that at the entrance there's cereberus (the three headed dog thing off harry potter?)
yeah that thing guards it. (by the way it's for like lvl sixty guys) [size=1 :? :-o 8) :D :-) :)