recently one time i had a friend named luke skywalker. then when i was playing the game for a while, i saw like 20 luke skywalkers on the way and none of them were my friends! so my question is: why are there so many luke skywalkers they driving me crazy :? :?
Young Wizard, Obviously a Wizard's name is not unique, and names such as Luke Skywalker and Taylor Swift are popular because they are also the names of famous characters or people.
recently one time i had a friend named luke skywalker. then when i was playing the game for a while, i saw like 20 luke skywalkers on the way and none of them were my friends! so my question is: why are there so many luke skywalkers they driving me crazy :? :?
I think I might have seen somebody with a pet named Lady Gaga
it would be cool if the pet was like can't read my . but i have seen but if they add a new name like edward and cullen i swear there will be a lot of edwards looking for a bella swan lol
The weird name I saw was Patrick Star, and i saw the others too
I actually think that might have been me... (I made a boy alt named Patrick Star because I had nothing better to do with my time)
Did he have purple hair?
I am thinking of deleting him, cause people keep telling me to >>Insert not allowed word here<< With Spongebob and get off of wizards cause I am a >>Insert same word here<< >>And again<<
I fail to see how appealing the name "wolf" is. i know some people in real life have that name, but there cant be THAT MANY! i swear i see someone using the name wolf three times as much as i see someone using luke skywalker. THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION so please dont hate on me for the following statement, everyone is entitled to an opinion, i'm just voicing mine. I personally hate how people make all their character's names start with wolf, and their real name is chris or something. Wolf does not a cool name make, a cool name is something you come up with on your own, and are happy with, however if wolf makes you that happy, so be it.
I fail to see how appealing the name "wolf" is. i know some people in real life have that name, but there cant be THAT MANY! i swear i see someone using the name wolf three times as much as i see someone using luke skywalker. THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION so please dont hate on me for the following statement, everyone is entitled to an opinion, i'm just voicing mine. I personally hate how people make all their character's names start with wolf, and their real name is chris or something. Wolf does not a cool name make, a cool name is something you come up with on your own, and are happy with, however if wolf makes you that happy, so be it.
my charecter's name is hunter legendwraith but some people thought it was hunter legendWRATH i was in pvp and a guy says hey hunter legendWRATH wanna pvp me after this i was laughing so hard i corrected him then we pvped and i lost ( i was level 32 at the time )