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Items Disappearing

Mar 29, 2009
I was at my Balance house, as many of you know you now can use a rug and square metal platform to keep going higher. Well I was going for the highest one then, I was out of site from the house. Well then I was going to make it go higher by laying a few jellybean crates on it I put 3 their and they all disappeared can someone help me I know it doesnt seem like much but they all cost me 400 coins per crate so thats 1,200 coins I lost if any of you have any ideas what to do please post

Aug 28, 2009
bdawg99 wrote:
I was at my Balance house, as many of you know you now can use a rug and square metal platform to keep going higher. Well I was going for the highest one then, I was out of site from the house. Well then I was going to make it go higher by laying a few jellybean crates on it I put 3 their and they all disappeared can someone help me I know it doesnt seem like much but they all cost me 400 coins per crate so thats 1,200 coins I lost if any of you have any ideas what to do please post

if it wasn't that high you might have accidently put a rug under the floating rug and picked the rug that was on the ground WITH the rug that was floating on top of it that had the crates.

though i never saw this happen so i am not sure