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Which outfit set is better: Valkyrie/Overlord

Mar 18, 2010
Hey folks,

I have been "eyeing" those 2 level 45 outfit sets; the Valkyrie set and the Overlord set for a while and would like your opinion on which is better and why. I couldn't find any relevant topic about this myself, so if there already is a topic about this, I'ld appreciate it if you could post the link to it. Otherwise, to all of you who has both or either of the outfit sets, please let me know which set you think is better and why - maybe some pros and cons that would help me make a decision. I also welcome comments from anyone, even those who don't have the outfits yet but seems to know stuff about them.

I am a Fire wizard with Storm as secondary, so basically which would be better for my character?

Valkyrie set: (Totals)
Health: +245
Attack: +24%
Shield: +19%
PowerPip: +10%
Cards: Meteor, Triton, Blizzard (Since I am fire with storm secondary, I believe I will get all those cards by the time I get to level 45.

Overlord set: (Totals)
Health: +353
Attack: +11%
Shield: +27%
Accuracy: +10%
Cards: Centaur, Judgement, Sandstorm

My current stats are:
Health: 1,298 (at level 27)
Mana: 240
PowerPip chance: +28% (currently only at level 27)
Accuracy: +3% (All)
Attack: +8% (All)
Shield/Resist: +15% (All)

Thanks in advance...

Feb 19, 2010
fquazi wrote:
Hey folks,

I have been "eyeing" those 2 level 45 outfit sets; the Valkyrie set and the Overlord set for a while and would like your opinion on which is better and why. I couldn't find any relevant topic about this myself, so if there already is a topic about this, I'ld appreciate it if you could post the link to it. Otherwise, to all of you who has both or either of the outfit sets, please let me know which set you think is better and why - maybe some pros and cons that would help me make a decision. I also welcome comments from anyone, even those who don't have the outfits yet but seems to know stuff about them.

I am a Fire wizard with Storm as secondary, so basically which would be better for my character?

Valkyrie set: (Totals)
Health: +245
Attack: +24%
Shield: +19%
PowerPip: +10%
Cards: Meteor, Triton, Blizzard (Since I am fire with storm secondary, I believe I will get all those cards by the time I get to level 45.

Overlord set: (Totals)
Health: +353
Attack: +11%
Shield: +27%
Accuracy: +10%
Cards: Centaur, Judgement, Sandstorm

My current stats are:
Health: 1,298 (at level 27)
Mana: 240
PowerPip chance: +28% (currently only at level 27)
Accuracy: +3% (All)
Attack: +8% (All)
Shield/Resist: +15% (All)

Thanks in advance...

Personally with your schools being Fire/Storm, I would go with the Valkyrie set. The higher attack bonus and the PP bonus will really benefit yoou more imo and the Meteor and Triton cards provided means one less of each you have to carry in your deck, leaving room for 2 healing and or minion cards.

James Deathamncer - Lvl 31 Magus Necromancer

May 31, 2009
your fire school garments are no doubt better for you as a fire character then either of these outfits, but if you are choosing just between these two then it becomes a question for you between power pips and accuracy which is more important to you? the 3 extra spells are throw aways as by level 45 you have mush more useful fire spells and are most likely pulling a lot of power pips, so you are not going to want to waste them on non-school spells. I was eyeing these to outfits myself then I reach level 45 and the dragonspyre and found the stuff I won for my school suited my character better. If I had to choose; unless you are balance I believe evey other school should choose the Valkyrie set, power pips being more important than 100 health and 10% accuracy.

Aug 28, 2009
fquazi wrote:
Hey folks,

I have been "eyeing" those 2 level 45 outfit sets; the Valkyrie set and the Overlord set for a while and would like your opinion on which is better and why. I couldn't find any relevant topic about this myself, so if there already is a topic about this, I'ld appreciate it if you could post the link to it. Otherwise, to all of you who has both or either of the outfit sets, please let me know which set you think is better and why - maybe some pros and cons that would help me make a decision. I also welcome comments from anyone, even those who don't have the outfits yet but seems to know stuff about them.

I am a Fire wizard with Storm as secondary, so basically which would be better for my character?

Valkyrie set: (Totals)
Health: +245
Attack: +24%
Shield: +19%
PowerPip: +10%
Cards: Meteor, Triton, Blizzard (Since I am fire with storm secondary, I believe I will get all those cards by the time I get to level 45.

Overlord set: (Totals)
Health: +353
Attack: +11%
Shield: +27%
Accuracy: +10%
Cards: Centaur, Judgement, Sandstorm

My current stats are:
Health: 1,298 (at level 27)
Mana: 240
PowerPip chance: +28% (currently only at level 27)
Accuracy: +3% (All)
Attack: +8% (All)
Shield/Resist: +15% (All)

Thanks in advance...

well i would go for the overlord set,,,,,,,,, gives more health plus better cards. lol thats pretty much what i count on, health and epic cards. plus if you choose that one you will have tons of EPIC cards. fire and storm have strong spells, plus centaur and judgement and you have cool stuff :) judgment kills fast if you have been in the arena a lot O. O

Nov 27, 2009
Sep 02, 2009
cakeisgood123 wrote:
valkyre set
triton is storm only
I would not go with the intire set you should do this buy bolth wear the thing that gives you centar because you have meteaor strike put on the thing that gives you triton because triton is storm ONLY And you should use sandstorm because its in a good school (balance) and it does Damage to all enimes.

Feb 19, 2009
So i wanted to buy either Valkyrie/Overlord is worth the crowns?

Feb 19, 2009
If i where you i would probobly buy the overlords set beacuse judgment is amzing plus centour and it gives you a lot of health and it looks cool.

Feb 23, 2009
fquazi wrote:
Hey folks,

I have been "eyeing" those 2 level 45 outfit sets; the Valkyrie set and the Overlord set for a while and would like your opinion on which is better and why. I couldn't find any relevant topic about this myself, so if there already is a topic about this, I'ld appreciate it if you could post the link to it. Otherwise, to all of you who has both or either of the outfit sets, please let me know which set you think is better and why - maybe some pros and cons that would help me make a decision. I also welcome comments from anyone, even those who don't have the outfits yet but seems to know stuff about them.

I am a Fire wizard with Storm as secondary, so basically which would be better for my character?

Valkyrie set: (Totals)
Health: +245
Attack: +24%
Shield: +19%
PowerPip: +10%
Cards: Meteor, Triton, Blizzard (Since I am fire with storm secondary, I believe I will get all those cards by the time I get to level 45.

Overlord set: (Totals)
Health: +353
Attack: +11%
Shield: +27%
Accuracy: +10%
Cards: Centaur, Judgement, Sandstorm

My current stats are:
Health: 1,298 (at level 27)
Mana: 240
PowerPip chance: +28% (currently only at level 27)
Accuracy: +3% (All)
Attack: +8% (All)
Shield/Resist: +15% (All)

Thanks in advance...

Triton is Storm School Only, but the Triton on THAT set has terrible hitpoints.

Go with Overlord. It gives better health, and has great shielding.

Apr 08, 2009
fquazi wrote:
Hey folks,

I have been "eyeing" those 2 level 45 outfit sets; the Valkyrie set and the Overlord set for a while and would like your opinion on which is better and why. I couldn't find any relevant topic about this myself, so if there already is a topic about this, I'ld appreciate it if you could post the link to it. Otherwise, to all of you who has both or either of the outfit sets, please let me know which set you think is better and why - maybe some pros and cons that would help me make a decision. I also welcome comments from anyone, even those who don't have the outfits yet but seems to know stuff about them.

I am a Fire wizard with Storm as secondary, so basically which would be better for my character?

Valkyrie set: (Totals)
Health: +245
Attack: +24%
Shield: +19%
PowerPip: +10%
Cards: Meteor, Triton, Blizzard (Since I am fire with storm secondary, I believe I will get all those cards by the time I get to level 45.

Overlord set: (Totals)
Health: +353
Attack: +11%
Shield: +27%
Accuracy: +10%
Cards: Centaur, Judgement, Sandstorm

My current stats are:
Health: 1,298 (at level 27)
Mana: 240
PowerPip chance: +28% (currently only at level 27)
Accuracy: +3% (All)
Attack: +8% (All)
Shield/Resist: +15% (All)

Thanks in advance...

I prefer the overlord set. It gives you more health and the cards do more damage.

Aug 21, 2009
Grandmaster gear is typically way better than either of these sets and is even better than pvp gear. If you farm the ice and fire gurtocks during the Malistair quest enough times you should be able to put together both of the Valkyrie and Overlord sets.

Jun 08, 2010
seasnake wrote:
Grandmaster gear is typically way better than either of these sets and is even better than pvp gear. If you farm the ice and fire gurtocks during the Malistair quest enough times you should be able to put together both of the Valkyrie and Overlord sets.

Grandmaster gear better? No it isnt.

Aug 21, 2009
Alisia4172008 wrote:
seasnake wrote:
Grandmaster gear is typically way better than either of these sets and is even better than pvp gear. If you farm the ice and fire gurtocks during the Malistair quest enough times you should be able to put together both of the Valkyrie and Overlord sets.

Grandmaster gear better? No it isnt.

I play storm with grandmaster gear even in pvp. I have yet to seen anything better than the gear I'm currently using, and I laugh at those with arena gear on cause they give up too many bonusses for what amounts only to a bit more health points, and health points simply do not hold up against massive and multiple damage. As storm in grandmaster gear, well grandmaster gear and one crown item that isn't even part of the valkyrie or overlord or arena set, I'm typically the last to die on my side even when sitting with arena geared grandmasters (I simply like my stats way more than theirs as mine tends to be higher, except for perhaps damage adjusted health and even then I get much higher storm resistance than they do).

Dec 16, 2009
forgive me if this thread is old but being a life wizard i would go with the over lord set as it would help defend from one shot killer wanna bes