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Furniture wont drop.

Feb 28, 2009
I was recently spending a lot of $$$ for my second home. When I ported to my home the Place Items button was faded and wouldn't let me click on it. I left the house and came back. It didn't work. I logged out and tried again. Again, didn't work.

Please tell me why this is happening. It is bothersome and I'm tired of it.

This is answered in the Post 'Nothing But Crates?' at the of Halston's Lab section of the message boards.


If you arrive at your Castle or Dorm and all your items have been mysteriously replaced with crates, don't worry, the movers are not hauling your items away.

If you only see crates at your house, relax, it just means that those items are still being downloaded, and they will 'pop' back to their normal appearance once you've downloaded the information.

During this process, your housing button may appear grey, which means you will have to wait until everything in your house has downloaded before you can start redecorating.
