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Chat Log

Apr 18, 2009
Is there a way for end-user's to download/view/archive the chat activity transpired during sessions? Namely, as a parent, I'd like to monitor my children's chat activity to ensure appropriateness, and if there's an issue, have the proof to report it to Wizard 101 admins.


While we do not publish the chat logs, we have given our players the tools to report inappropriate behaviour in the game. To report another player, select the character in the game window or in their name in the chat window. A panel will appear that gives you the option to REPORT.

When you report someone, or you are reported, a message is sent directly to Mr Lincoln that includes the chat logs of everything that was said before and after that report.

Mr Lincoln then reads the log and assess the situation. He determines how bad the offense was, looks up prior offenses for the reported individual, and based on that assessment he issues sanctions such as muting or banning and sends an email to the offending account explaining the violation and the sanctions.

If the report was falsely made, that is determined as well, and the player who made the false report is investigated as to whether or not they have made previous false reports. False reports are just a egregious as valid ones, and similar sanctions can be levied against repeat offenders of false reporting.

Everything that a player enters into the chat window is logged. These larger chat logs are also routinely checked for those infractions that are not reported.

May 31, 2009
unless you have given your children open chat they are very limited in what they can say. If you have given them open chat bad language and texting do not work. there are some execeptions to texting like; k brb rofl lol but these arethe few exceptions to the rule. There is of course one levelof open chat that is higher this is meant for adults and allows you to communicate "numbers" foe example instead of typing "tree" of "fourth" you can now type three and four.

Another thing to understand is if your child only has menu chat they cannot even see the other two forms of chat at all!! this holds true with open chat if one person has basic chat they still cannot see numbers typed by a player using open chat.

Also things like the names of towns, cities, states cannot be typed. And as they have told you they check every reported instance. its not really the answer you were after, however i can tell you that they really do check.

I hope this helps, if your still worried just put them on menu chat they cannot read anything else or say anything else.