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Rotated Screen

May 12, 2009
My youngest daughter was playing and did something that caused the entire screen to rotate 90 degrees to the left. Now every time we try to play the game it's the screen is "laying down" on its side. It doesn't matter what user name we sign in on. The problem starts as soon as we log in. This problem is only there when signed in and attempting to play the game. Even the hourglass is sideways. As I move my mouse forward and back the wand on the screen moves sideways. Any idea how I can rotate the screen back to vertical so that we can play the game?

Is this only affecting Wizard101 or is your entire window screen sideways?

This sounds like a question that Mr Lincoln will have to research - the best way to get this resolved is send Mr Lincoln an email about what is happening - you can contact him directly at support@wizard101.com

Let him know what operating system you are using such as WindowsXP or Vista

I'll ask our technical Wizards if they know anything that would cause just Wizard101 to rotate, and get back to you when everyone is in the office on Monday!

Feb 15, 2010
you know i might not be right about this but... did she accidently press an F4 or F10? or any Fs? because this might have caused the screen to rotate a certain way

Hello There!

First thought would be to just have you turn your monitor, but that's not good. Assuming this isn't specific to the game - I found the following from another "sideways soul":

Q. I attempted to press CTRL + ALT + DELETE to bring up the task menu but must have inadvertently pressed a different key combination. Now the display on the screen is horizontal (from left to right) rather than vertical (top to bottom).

A. Some video cards support the rotation of the image on your computer screen. You'd use this if you a monitor that can also rotate. Web designers and artists use this, as an example, to check long pages.

It would appear that you managed to press CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow by accident, to correct this problem simply click CTRL + ALT + Up Arrow.

Please let me know if this doesn't resolve your issue or it's specific to the game and no other program.