Ok, So, When I first started I picked my hair and face to look nothing like me thinking I would play w101 for maybe a day to a week or so and stop. Well, I played for a year and I'm still playing, I was wondering if KI was thinking about making a hair or face change shop anytime. Maybe for like, 1000 crowns?
I could get behind this idea. I'm very fond of my current character's look but sometimes people like a change. They don't want lose their wizard but the pigtails don't go with the new outfit.
A barber shop might be a nice addition. I know a few players who would drop 500 crowns on a makeover.
I don't thiknk that we should need to continue needing to change it because it grew on its own, but i think that wizards should be able to change hair and skin because many people can have second thoughts about their wizard's natural appearence. I have a wizard with dang white hair and she has darker skin than i want. Just doesn't look good on her. I'd would even resort to paying crowns so i could change it. Skin Color and Hair Style and Color should be enabled for change in the wizard101 game.
I soooo wish we could change our hair and face. i got PINK HAIR at the begining of the game not knowing that pyromancy pink isn't the same as my hair, and most hads cant hide my frumpy pink do!
I need a new do! When i first went on to wizard 101 i got PINK HAIR! Sure it seemed like a good idea at first but pyromancy pink is no where near the shade of pink my hair is. I tried big hats, hoods, ANYTHING to hide my long pink hair, but when i got to dragon spyre there were no hoods suited to my level i looked to every vendor and shop you'd find but got nothing. Please let me get my hair changed at the paint shop! (with coins not crowns) So i dont have to hide my hair but to show it off!