I'm currently playing a balance character. To me, it is the most boring character I've played in Wizard101, the 100 per pip judgement card is so strong I don't use any other attack, I simply cast two blades and two traps (one being death school's 70% trap). I seldom ever have to shield, I rarely and I mean very rarely as in almost never have to heal. I don't use hardly any other balance cards other than traps, blades, judgement, and occaisonally shields. I kill 1v1 fairly fast, and I one hit stuff even when they are of my school or use tower shields. If they have high balance resistance they may pose a slight problem, but normally I can get my damage so high that it doesn't matter what they have, if it does matter I simply draw a treasure card high damage non-balance attack and resolve the matter with my blades and traps that work with anything.
The funny thing about balance is that since it has access to so many blades and traps that work with anything and has the triple school blades and traps and can get ahold of treasure blades and traps as well, balance school will actually do more damage than storm school when using the same storm school cards that storm school is using (how sick is that?). My only conclusion is that Wizard101 staff must play primarily balance characters and as such has stacked the entire game and PvP arena so that balance players completely own. Too bad that for me balance is incredibly boring, though overly strong. Even all the hard to get drops hand out grand balance equipment without any problems at all to those who need them.
what did you do before beating the mctavish rats (who, by the way, are wickedly hard)?
so you use judgement and only judgement. very exemplary of the kind of balance player you have a tendency to QQ about.
btw your arguments about balance being stronger than storm in boosts... lol stom can get treasures and triblades too.