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Want to buy daughter a mount as gift - how?

Mar 03, 2009
I've just started playing again after several months, and there are a lot of new features I apparently don't understand. However, right now I just want to know how to purchase a mount to give as a gift. I did some searching and a bit of reading on the forums and in the player's guide, but haven't found an answer. I can't seem to find a mount in the game that has a gift icon next to it. I could just buy her crowns and add them to her account, but I think it would be much more fun for her to have a surprise gift waiting for her when she logs on.

Are we able to give mounts as gifts? If so, where do I go to get one that has a gift icon? If not, I would like to know if we will be able to purchase them as gifts in the future.


Not all items are giftable, and only items purchased with Crowns (not gold) can be gifted. Just look for the little gift icon when you're shopping, select an item and click on Gift. The recipient must be on your Friends list of your current Wizard.

Choose an item in the SHOP, and the gift icon should light up. If it does not, you may not have Gifting enabled on your account.
Click the gift icon shown above, and you will be presented with a list of your friends. Choose your daughter's character from that list and follow the instructions. You will be asked to confirm your purchase twice.

If you're still having trouble, contact Mr Lincoln at support@wizard101.com

Mar 03, 2009
Thanks for your response! It looks like I'm not very observant, because I never saw that icon when I was looking through the shops. I just kept looking at the left side of the screen, scanning through the items looking for the gift icon, and expecting it to be listed next to the item name. Once I read your post, I went back and looked again, and found it on the right side of the screen.

I'm sorry I wasted your time. I really hadn't seen it, and thought maybe they couldn't be gifted.
