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Super PIPS

Jul 12, 2009
When you get high then your secondary school is almost usless. You have to wait almost twice as long to cast a spell that cost the same amount of pips. Well...When you get high then you should gain a Super PIP percentage. A super PIP is just like a power PIP but you can use it for ANY school. So is your main school is storm or something and your secondary is death. If you gain 3 super PIPS then you can use a wraith which costs 6 normal pips. This percentage is lower then power pips because it is much more useful. Super PIPS could be the color blue because blue is awesome.

Mar 29, 2009
Dec 17, 2008
That's an awesome idea. It would be really useful for everyone and would make our secondary schools more useful too.

May 18, 2009
Jul 12, 2009
Megascream45 wrote:
I have 13 grandmasters and none have super pips. how do you get them

You can't get them yet because it is just an idea. They havn't added it to the game.

Jan 27, 2009
this sounds like a very possible idea for the future and would be a nice addition but i think purple would be a better color for them.

Jul 12, 2009
I think that ble would be cool... But anyway, For example i am Storm, and I am death as my secondary. I have a wraith as a normal spell, but I never use it. The only Death spell I ever use is feint and that is because it only cost one PIP. I want to use wraith but it takes to long to get and i can use a stormzilla or triton on my second or third turn.

May 15, 2009
this would be so cool
i cant tell u how annoying it is to have to waste like 4 power pips on a satyr spell ( life always 2nd school)
super pips would make it SO much easier

Jul 12, 2009
I hate wasting power PIPS. Even when fight a life person like jade no i can still hit much higher and use spells much faster with my power pips. I just can't stand wasting a power PIP. It is just so annoying!!!

Aug 19, 2008
I really like the SuperPip idea too!

The tricky part would be that the game would also need a way for us to officially enroll our wizards into our secondary school. Because right now, a wizard can take a few spells from different schools.

Jul 12, 2009
Floydd wrote:
I really like the SuperPip idea too!

The tricky part would be that the game would also need a way for us to officially enroll our wizards into our secondary school. Because right now, a wizard can take a few spells from different schools.

A Super PIP is not just for your secondary. That its why it would be so cool. It works for any school not just your secondary. So if you have a third or fourth school that you have spells for then the super pips would work for them to.