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Knight's Court?

Jul 15, 2009
I have this quest that leads you to Knight's Court, and instead it loops me around and around Hyde Park. Can someone tell me where KNIGHT'S COURT IS? The quest is named The PURSE curse 2.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
zorro11 wrote:
I have this quest that leads you to Knight's Court, and instead it loops me around and around Hyde Park. Can someone tell me where KNIGHT'S COURT IS? The quest is named The PURSE curse 2.

This is a multi-part quest. You get the quest in Knight's court and have to fight scratchers. Once you recover the purse, you then find you have to get a new one, and the Regent Square merchant is out, so you chase over to Emily in Hyde, who bought the last one. She asks you to get her old purse back and after a few fights you retrieve it. She gives you her new one, you take it back to Knight's court, and you finish the quest....