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Missing Abigail Doolittle quests

Jun 23, 2009
At the moment I'm running my level 30 death wizard through MB. I just got the Ironworks quest. I've finished Hyde Park and I believe Chelsea. So far I've not received any of those side quests from Abigail Doolittle in Regents Square. I seem to remember, with my Life Grand wizard, running around inviting different policemen to a ball per Abigails quest. Haven't seen anything like that. Are those Abigail side quests gone or are they yet to come?

Also, by the time my death wizard had finished Krok, he never got the side quest for the Djeserit brother in the one family burial tomb. I've gone back several times and not seen any exclamation points above anyone's head...anywhere. Am I missing something there too or is that another quest deleted by K.I?

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
lamarblake wrote:
At the moment I'm running my level 30 death wizard through MB. I just got the Ironworks quest. I've finished Hyde Park and I believe Chelsea. So far I've not received any of those side quests from Abigail Doolittle in Regents Square. I seem to remember, with my Life Grand wizard, running around inviting different policemen to a ball per Abigails quest. Haven't seen anything like that. Are those Abigail side quests gone or are they yet to come?

Also, by the time my death wizard had finished Krok, he never got the side quest for the Djeserit brother in the one family burial tomb. I've gone back several times and not seen any exclamation points above anyone's head...anywhere. Am I missing something there too or is that another quest deleted by K.I?

Abigail's quests start after Ironworks.
The side quests in the tombs are still there. They go back and forth. Burn mummies, etc.
There are also another series of quests that start later, after you finish the ablve tomb quests, the second quest series is given, starting with seeking a scroll...

Jun 23, 2009
Thanks. I guess I was getting impatient. POP cause last night I got her quests after doing the Ironworks.

As for the burial chamber side quests, I did look in both chambers and at all the characters that give quests and not one exclamation point. Might be a glitch.