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Karahnahn palace secret gate?

Dec 02, 2008
When my wizards are in Karahnan Barracks, just after you enter there is a big gate with kroks on it right as you go to that storm land bridge place.
Any use for this? When I pass it I always get curious, is it a storm only quest or something? Tell me if you've been in there

Oct 24, 2009
Yes I have been through it. Although that place is just a Side Quest place if you want to level faster. And no there isn't any storyline quests that lead you there, and the storm bridges thing are nothing special. Just to attract people.

Dec 02, 2008
Lol let me rephrase that. I know about Karahnahn Barracks and that it is optional, after all I've been through there 4 times. It's this tall gate by those storm bridges with 2 big kroks on it or something. It's on the map also but you cant go in it, is it just there for kicks or is it a storm quest or something? If anybody has been in there tell me.
P.S. - There is a free furniture hyrogliphic tablet as you enter the storm bridge part of KB on your right. The big "gate" is just before that before you walk into the storm bridges area. (I'm not talking about Karahnahn Palace.)