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Refund idea and more

Jul 26, 2009
I thought of this because sometimes you buy something but you don't really like it and you sell it to try to get your money. Or, at least, my friend and I do. So, I thought there should be a button to press at the shop you buy something from that says "Refund," and it stays there for one hour after you buy it. You can't enter a battle for that amount of time unless you disable the refund for that item. Same thing for the Dye Shop.

Another idea I had was the ability to "try" items. You can "preview" houses, so why not "try" items? You press the Try button and then you enter a battle. It's just like a fight with a few low-leveled enemies, but it works for trying items.

That's all for now, but please reply, I never get replies on my posts very often.