I know on Wizard101 Central there have been many threads that ask this question. But I wanted to ask it here. If there going to make another school it would probably bring others. Two more probably. The reason I say this is because the magical number 3 keeps coming back to Wizard101. 3 elemntal schools, 3 spirit schools. The worlds are divided into 3 parts. My friend Charles Darkdreamer is the one that came up with this. I mean he is saving three wizard slots in case they come out with 3 more schools. Anyway My idea would be celestial schools. Astrology school,Galaxy School,Universe school. Just thoughts though. But what would your idea be for a new school.
I have answered similar posts with this same answer. I believe a school of War would be nice to offset the school of balance.
You mentioned the schools being in groups of three, but balance is alone. I think this comes from the idea of it touching a little of all the schools, yet see very little of the spirit schools within Balance. Yes, they have a healing spell, but so does fire, and in a way so does death and myth. I guess IMO balance is a little off balance when it comes to the spirit side.