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filling up my backpack

Aug 15, 2009
what do you do with all those no trade no auction items, i have a ton of them.

Jul 30, 2009
mtkarin wrote:
what do you do with all those no trade no auction items, i have a ton of them.

'No Trade' items simply mean you can't trade them between your characters. So those can be sold at the Bazaar (which I suggest) or one of the gear shops.

'No Auction' items simply means that you can't sell the item at the Bazaar. But they can be traded between your characters or sold at the regular gear shops. I personally put the better 'No Auction' items in my shared bank for other characters. That way the item is there when they need it and I don't have to purchase or farm bosses for them.

Now, items marked 'No Trade' AND 'No Auction' means you can't trade them between character nor sell them at the Bazaar. If you're character can't use them then or in the future, then you can sell them at the regular gear stores.

May 22, 2009
Jul 04, 2009
May 04, 2009
You can go to any shopkeeper in Wizard City, Krokotopia, Marleybone, etc., and you can sell those items there. You can't sell them at the Bazaar in Wizard City.

Or, you can keep some of them in your "shared Bank" in your dorm room/home in case you create another new wizard that might be able to use them later. Then the other wizard can go to their dorm room/home and open their "shared Bank" and put those things in their backpack to use or sell.

Dec 13, 2008

Sell them at the place where you buy the houses. The Wizard City Housing Shop.

Jul 30, 2009
HondaAccord59 wrote:

Sell them at the place where you buy the houses. The Wizard City Housing Shop.

You can only sell household items at the housing/furniture shops. Not the 'No Trade'/'No Auction' gear.

You also can't sell housing items at the other stores, only at the Bazaar or housing/furniture shops.