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Is myth the real conjuring school

Oct 19, 2009
So maybe myths fan been attacking myth specailty wrong.

OK i figure out changes that can be made to improve Myth:ideally! For some reason i don't think myth is a minion school, or was made to be.Because Death got the better minions, it makes since since there the necromancers,and uses alot of conjuring of dead creatures, so maybe ki made a mistake in the fact that death is the true conjuring school while myth specailize in braking defenses, aka shields.That why we have the double hit spells to break defences first>So if ki were to change myth title it will change to Masters sheild breaker.

So i Think it was maybe a sheild braking school, because of minotaur, orthrus, remove ward, peirce, and earthquake all have the abilty to break sheilds.There for i move that myth change from the minion summoning shool to the sheild breaking school.With that in mind i think these changes will help myth shape up a bit:

Changes: Earthqake x pip spell same effects but 75 damage per pip
( yay myth get a per pip spell)

Level 1: Blood bat ( stays the same)
Level 2: Troll( stay the same)
Level 3: Cyclops( stay the same)
level 4: humungofrog( stay the same)
level 5: MInotaur( stays the same)

Change:level 6 Orthrus ( 50 for first hit, 525 for second hit)

Change:Level 7 ninja pigs( 700 damage to all)
(Yay our level 7 spell can effect everyone else like everyone else)

Q:Ok if Ki change myth from a conjuring school to a shield breaking school will this work for myth or something similar?

Jun 11, 2009
ziffinite90 wrote:
So maybe myths fan been attacking myth specailty wrong.

OK i figure out changes that can be made to improve Myth:ideally! For some reason i don't think myth is a minion school, or was made to be.Because Death got the better minions, it makes since since there the necromancers,and uses alot of conjuring of dead creatures, so maybe ki made a mistake in the fact that death is the true conjuring school while myth specailize in braking defenses, aka shields.That why we have the double hit spells to break defences first>So if ki were to change myth title it will change to Masters sheild breaker.

So i Think it was maybe a sheild braking school, because of minotaur, orthrus, remove ward, peirce, and earthquake all have the abilty to break sheilds.There for i move that myth change from the minion summoning shool to the sheild breaking school.With that in mind i think these changes will help myth shape up a bit:

Changes: Earthqake x pip spell same effects but 75 damage per pip
( yay myth get a per pip spell)

Level 1: Blood bat ( stays the same)
Level 2: Troll( stay the same)
Level 3: Cyclops( stay the same)
level 4: humungofrog( stay the same)
level 5: MInotaur( stays the same)

Change:level 6 Orthrus ( 50 for first hit, 525 for second hit)

Change:Level 7 ninja pigs( 700 damage to all)
(Yay our level 7 spell can effect everyone else like everyone else)

Q:Ok if Ki change myth from a conjuring school to a shield breaking school will this work for myth or something similar?

No, no and no. Myth is a spirit school and already strong. Having a ninja pig spell that does 700 damage to all? No, no and no.

Having an orthrus that's a 6 pip spell? That does huge damage as it is? No.

You can't just think of a PvE aspect, there is a PvP aspect to go along with as well.

A myth is already a problem, don't need to worsen it.

Jan 27, 2009
Aug 24, 2009
thunderbird120 wrote:
death only get's one minion spell while myth gets many.

I am myth and i agree we are powerful