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What's Up With The Crown Shop?

Jul 30, 2009
Both hubby and I have been wondering about what's up with the sales section in the Crown Shop?

The houses were released December 14th, and the Storm house was put on sale immediately. It was up till December 20-21st and then the Death house went on sale...Which in of itself was unusual because items have always been up for a week before changing and the Storm was up less then a week for sale.

Here it is now January 5th, and the Death house is still on sale. Even the same broom put up at the same time as the Death house is still on sale. There were 2 temporary sale items added on December 26th and then today...But the house and broom still haven't been swapped out.

What happened to the new weekly mounts/house offerings on the sale page? Is there supposed to be a minimum number of that sale item sold before they'll change to a new sale item in the mount or house sales?

It's kinda got us wondering since we've all become accustomed to items changing weekly for what's offered up for sale. Seeing the same house/mount up for so long is kinda confusing and discouraging.

And no I'm not talking about the Charity mount, but talking about the broom mount that's been up as long as the Death house. LOL!

Jul 30, 2009
Just wanted to say thanks for fixing the Crown Shop. It's nice seeing new sale items up.