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Question about open chat and subscriptions

Mar 14, 2009

Is it possible to have open chat as a crowns player without having a current subscription if you had a subscription in the past and have a current credit card on file?
Also does true friend codes work exactly the same as open chat? Can you use friend codes as a crowns player?

Thanks in advance

Hello Young Wizard!

To use the Open Chat feature your account must be 18+, currently be subscribed, and the subscription must be from a credit card on the website. Gift Card subscriptions will not activate the ability for open chat.

The True Friend code option only allows for the filtered text chat between friends. This feature can be turned on for all accounts age 13 and over. If the account is set up as under age 13 a valid credit card must be on file (for subscription or Crowns) to enable.

I do hope this helps!
