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Fire Prism plus Weakness Equals no no [BUG]

Sep 21, 2008
Fire prism plus weakness equals big nono. Ok let me begin I put fire prism on Nirini Quartermaster and he put weakness on me... then his little friend put ice shield on him... ok everything is alright I can still one hit him but wait BOOM!!!! Once I use sunbird his ice shield is TRIGGERED along with the prism! I'm one hundred percent positive that the prism isnt meant to trigger any shields.

I'm SORRY EDIT!!! Guess what! Now it affects ALL BLADES I cant use blades with ANY prism. lol Aint that perfect.

Jul 30, 2009
lorddoom141 wrote:
Fire prism plus weakness equals big nono. Ok let me begin I put fire prism on Nirini Quartermaster and he put weakness on me... then his little friend put ice shield on him... ok everything is alright I can still one hit him but wait BOOM!!!! Once I use sunbird his ice shield is TRIGGERED along with the prism! I'm one hundred percent positive that the prism isnt meant to trigger any shields.

It's because your fire prism turns your fire spell into an ice attack, which then triggers the ice shield.

The best advice is to carry an ice wand so you can take out the ice shield before casting your fire spell. ;)

Sep 21, 2008
The spell is bugged one way or the other..... It doesnt trigger the Ice shield when I dont have a blade on me but it does when I do weather it be debuff or buff.

Please read more carefully. :)

Sep 13, 2008
I dont have any fire wizards to try this, but I have a storm dude with a few fire spells. I think before I start throwing out suggestions I will try it out for myself. You should try this out again and write down exactly what fire spell you used when this happened. I assume from your post that you know this, but if they put up an ice shield before your fire prism it will activate the ice shield also. I am sure you knew that, but you did say fire prisms should never activate ice shields and that isnt always the case. That is why that one person suggested an ice wand just in case they put up an ice shield before you get your prism on.

Jul 30, 2009
lorddoom141 wrote:
The spell is bugged one way or the other..... It doesnt trigger the Ice shield when I dont have a blade on me but it does when I do weather it be debuff or buff.

Please read more carefully. :)

I read your ORIGINAL post very carefully, which was before you EDITED it with the additional information.

Perhaps in the future, make sure you have ALL the information posted so when people reply, then they have ALL the information instead of just a portion? As it is, I responded to the ORIGINAL, NON-EDITED post you had submitted.

Fire prism plus weakness equals big nono. Ok let me begin I put fire prism on Nirini Quartermaster and he put weakness on me... then his little friend put ice shield on him... ok everything is alright I can still one hit him but wait BOOM!!!! Once I use sunbird his ice shield is TRIGGERED along with the prism! I'm one hundred percent positive that the prism isnt meant to trigger any shields.

That's the portion I responded to. So your 'read more carefully next time' is unwarrented and rude on your part, as the rest you added wasn't there at the time I responded. I responded correctly to what was ORIGINALLY there. 8)

Now, to your NEW position due to the NEW information you've edited in since my earlier response...

Yes, it would 'seem' to be a glitch if it's effecting your blades you're adding to yourself. But depending on WHEN you added the blades to your casting, there's still a possible answer that doesn't make it a glitch...

See, how the spell works depends a lot on WHEN you're casting your blades, boosts, and the prism. If you're adding the convert/prism before adding your blades, then the achool blades won't activate most of the time. Although the secret teacher blade boosts will activate each time. The best way to get all of your boosts to activate is to add the blades to yourself, then add the prism, then the fire boosts to the enemy. Then your spell will go around their ice shields.

As I also mentioned in my ORIGINAL response, it also helps to carry an ice wand which can be used to deactivate the ice shield from the get-go.

It took me awhile to figure it out myself. I was wondering why sometimes it worked, other times it didn't. Then I paid attention to when I was adding on the blades, boosts, and prisms. Now unless they put on a double ice shield and I haven't chaged my wands for an ice wand, the method I've suggested rarely fails (not counting fizzles). All the boosts, blades, and convert/prism works as they should. But it's all in the ORDER in which you place them that makes them activate as they should as well as activates them all.

This also applies for wizards using converts/prisms from other schools such as death or life wizards. Getting them to work right means paying attention to the order in which you're casting them as well as to when the enemy is putting on the shields. Also carrying extra wands from other schools other then your primary, helps you also deactivate any of the shields they may use that could interfer with your converts/prisms.

Sep 21, 2008
lorddoom141 wrote:
Fire prism plus weakness equals big nono. Ok let me begin I put fire prism on Nirini Quartermaster and he put weakness on me... then his little friend put ice shield on him... ok everything is alright I can still one hit him but wait BOOM!!!! Once I use sunbird his ice shield is TRIGGERED along with the prism! I'm one hundred percent positive that the prism isnt meant to trigger any shields.

Please read more carefully.

AlicornsPrayer wrote:
It's because your fire prism turns your fire spell into an ice attack, which then triggers the ice shield.

My fire prism doesn't normally trigger the Ice shields.... and it really shouldnt.. and yes I put the prism BEFORE the ice shield... If I add any blades at all the ice shield is triggered.

@@@Alicornsprayer, I did write in the original more info the edit was me ranting about how unfair that is. :-)

Jul 30, 2009
lorddoom141 wrote:
lorddoom141 wrote:
Fire prism plus weakness equals big nono. Ok let me begin I put fire prism on Nirini Quartermaster and he put weakness on me... then his little friend put ice shield on him... ok everything is alright I can still one hit him but wait BOOM!!!! Once I use sunbird his ice shield is TRIGGERED along with the prism! I'm one hundred percent positive that the prism isnt meant to trigger any shields.

Please read more carefully.

AlicornsPrayer wrote:
It's because your fire prism turns your fire spell into an ice attack, which then triggers the ice shield.

My fire prism doesn't normally trigger the Ice shields.... and it really shouldnt.. and yes I put the prism BEFORE the ice shield... If I add any blades at all the ice shield is triggered.

@@@Alicornsprayer, I did write in the original more info the edit was me ranting about how unfair that is. :-)

What you had in your original post is quoted word-for-word in my first response to you. Your first re-edit was done at: This message was edited 1 times. Last update was at Dec/27/2009 8:04:36 pm

Note, my submitted post time: Dec/27/2009 7:50:08 pm

Before your first edit.

Also, the advice already given to you is what is the best route in remedying your issue. It is about the order the blades/converts/shields you cast that effect when and how the shields are activated by the enemy as well as whether or not your blades will play into the attack.

I fully understand that the minion is casting the ice shield AFTER your casting the prism. But that isn't the problem that's causing what you're complaining about. It isn't whether or not you're casting a blade on yourself or not that's triggering the shield, but WHEN you're putting the blade on yourself.

Your problem is the order in which you're setting the boss up when applying the boosts on yourself and the attacks on him that's triggering whether or not the ice shield is going to be activated that the minion cast.

There is a specific set up. And what you've described you've been doing, you're not setting up all of your blades, converts/prisms, and attack shield boosts in the specific order that will ensure that his ice shield isn't activated when your fire spell is cast.

It's the ORDER of how all your boosts (blades, converts, extra damage shields) are set up that makes them all activate at the right time. ;)

Prisms/converts will trigger shields unless the extra attack steps are taken and done in a specific order to divert the triggering of enemy shields. That means when you choose to put on your blade will go towards determing if the ice shield activates as well.

It's not a glitch, it's a game play use that minimizes the effect of prisms in-game if the proper order/attack set up isn't followed to a 't'. It's kinda like a 'partial fizzle' effect built into the use of prisms/converts. It works, but doesn't 'quite' work as well as it could if you don't cover all the bases in the right order. Because then if not set up completely in the right order, the enemy's 'natural defenses' against that type of attack gets an additional boost to resist in the form of triggering their shields more easily.

Like I said, it took me awhile to figure the ins/outs myself in regards to using the fire converts for my fire wizard. And short of not paying attention when setting up my boosts/attack? Ice shields aren't an issue at all for my oni or dragon to get around. Also, the higher level your fire attack is, the more easier it is to get around those shields even if you don't set up the attack just 'perfect'. ;) Another built in game factor that can play for or against you when using the fire convert.

But your best bet at this time, is invest a few coins in an ice wand for attacking enemies that use ice shield. That's the easiest and quickest route to fixing your problem till you get a higher level damage spell. Also if you have the 2 extra training points, go to the secret teacher in Krokosphyinx and get the blade/shield attack boosts for fire/ice/storm. They cost a pip to cast but always work no matter what when casting the appropriate school spell.

Dec 17, 2008
Lately, I've been noticing the same thing. It used to be that if you put a fire prism, or any prism for that matter, before the opposite school's shield, the shield would not be activated.

Lately, on my storm wizard, after putting a prism down first, a myth trap would still be activated. I'm not sure if it is something new that KingsIsle added, or if it's a glitch.

Aug 29, 2008
This is all not nothing wrong it is all rite this is supposed to happen in the game it is a part of the game there is nothing wrong because if you put a prism and someone puts a ice shield you are attacking ice when the prism is activated it is activated with any fire attack then the shield is taken