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Cannot buy mount?

Dec 17, 2009
I just purchased crowns to buy a mount, but for some reason the shop won't let me purchase mounts. It will allow me to purchase anything BUT mounts. I'm trying to buy the faithful dragon. Previously I bought the white mare or whatever it is. Is it because I already have a mount? If so does that mean I have to get rid of the white mare? What I don't understand is that I've bought my niece two mounts so far - one as a gift and one buy transferring crowns directly to her account so that she could buy the second herself. So she has two mounts atm - anyone know why the game isn't allowing me to buy another mount?

Young Wizard,
Please let me know if you are trying to purchase this item from the 'Sale' tab or the normal Mounts tab.

Dec 17, 2009
Both. Though the faithful dragon isn't for sale, I don't have the buy option for the broom under the sale tab either. This is only a problem for mounts, though. It's very strange.