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The creepiest enemies

Nov 08, 2009
Here are the enemies I think are the creepiest.

1. The Soul Servants of Malistaire. Don't look into their glowing blue eyes in the darkness of their hoods! *shudder*

2. Meowiarty. He's a bald CAT. That's just FrEaKy.

3. The Minotaurs in Dragonspyre. Glowing red eyes... Gah...

And those are the creepiest enemies I can think of.

May 05, 2009
Jun 08, 2010
There is nothing in the game that I find scary, and the only thing I find creepy are the spiders.

I just got my first quest at the Grand Arena where I have to kill some, and I think this might be it for me. I'm not scared of spiders, but I get physically sick to my stomach whenever I look at them, and these are far too realistically animated.

Sadly, I may have to stop playing because of this. I wish there was a way to turn them into a generic green box image or something. I tried covering the screen, but it just doesn't work for me. I keep seeing them.

Apr 09, 2010
i hate to get off topic but i dont get creep out bye the enimes but i do like some

1. ravens they look awsome

2.the boss that has the spectre pet look after him he is awsome

3.the banshes are cool

thoughs are the ones i LIKE

May 24, 2009
y'know those minions with malistaire? the ghost things with rag-things for robes? that CREEPS ME OUT

Jun 25, 2009
ok first of all nothing scares me not even lady blackhope ( she has a broken neck ) NOT even her voice scares me really the grendels just look like little chuwahwa's spiders come on seriously there just spiders its not like its gonna kill you

May 28, 2009
Here is my top three:

1. The most scary: 0---___---0 Ghosts from Sunken city because every one who know Sunken city knows that those ghosts can take wizards from sidewalks( cheating! ) They are not really scary but we need to walk carful in Sunken city.

2. The 2rd most scary: 0-_-0 Scrachers (the cats in pyjamas in newgate prison) Because if you look far for them, you will see them like zoombies. But if you look close , they are not really scary.

3. The 3rt most scary: o-_-o Well, he's not scary but very POWERFUL!

Youkai because i saw on a video he has 8000 health! Even a grandmaster wizard cannot have! I wish i can beat him with some friends. By this way, go see my new post about monster healths.

By the way, who is the scariest AND the coolest??? Here is my opinion: SPECTURES!!! They are the most cool and most powerful monster in the world because they are in DragonSpyre.

Feb 23, 2009
Grendles; They're small, but freaky and evil.

Imps; I have no idea what to say except...they're pretty much Grendles with wings, to me.

Jul 21, 2009
Mine are:

1. The bug people from the new preview quests. They are just right down nasty.
2. The draceons from dragon spyre. They are something you just don't forget.
3. A wraith. They look scary and powerful at the same time.

Every time my wizard see's these, he runs away as fast as he can and hides.

Jun 09, 2010
miani6 wrote:
IamLezul wrote:
safari318 wrote:
Some enemies are scary, and some are very. So which ones just give you the heebie-jeebies? (Unless you fear nothing... ) Name the 3 enemies which scare your wizard the most.
Here are my 3:

Scratchers- they're big, they're ugly, and downright frightening. Also, they're extremely slow, even though that has nothing to do with this ...

Minotaurs (the gray ones with red eyes, ex. Karuvian Scargiver)- Ok these giants just creep me out ... i guess glowing red eyes just do that to me.

Spiders- AAAAH! I hate spiders. Especially GIANT spiders with beady little eyes ... *shudder*

And of course there are even more enemies that i try to hide from.

Nothing in this game is scary for me. Although, whenever i look into the mirror at my house, i always get a little shock of how awesome i am.

nothing creeps me out at ALL!

Ever notice how the grendles look just like Gremlins?

Nov 26, 2008
Jan 03, 2010
ELECTRIC333 wrote:
Here is my top three:

1. The most scary: 0---___---0 Ghosts from Sunken city because every one who know Sunken city knows that those ghosts can take wizards from sidewalks( cheating! ) They are not really scary but we need to walk carful in Sunken city.

2. The 2rd most scary: 0-_-0 Scrachers (the cats in pyjamas in newgate prison) Because if you look far for them, you will see them like zoombies. But if you look close , they are not really scary.

3. The 3rt most scary: o-_-o Well, he's not scary but very POWERFUL!

Youkai because i saw on a video he has 8000 health! Even a grandmaster wizard cannot have! I wish i can beat him with some friends. By this way, go see my new post about monster healths.

By the way, who is the scariest AND the coolest??? Here is my opinion: SPECTURES!!! They are the most cool and most powerful monster in the world because they are in DragonSpyre.

There is one in Vigrid Roughland

Jan 03, 2010
1st-Minotaurs in DS-i wanted to run away when i see them
2nd-Wraiths-i shiver in fear when i battle them; they sound scary when i hit them
3rd-Grendel-creepy and weird

Oct 11, 2009
Jan 16, 2010
Wraiths- they dont look that creepy just the face.

HunterNightFlame lvl 50 death

Dec 25, 2008
I fear like a bunch XD

1- Those shadow weavers in celestia preview quests! What are they? Mutated flies in rags?! *shivers* Their voices are gross.
2- All Dragonspyre women. Why? They sound like men and that is just creepy.
3- The undead draconians in the forum. *hides face*
4- Krokopatra. Her voice and her makeup.
5- Jotun in grizzleheim. He is like an oversized Grendel.

Jun 30, 2010
Aug 20, 2009
Here are some of the Monsters that REALLY creep me out:
1) Meowiarty- EWWW! Bald cat! yuck
2) Estrakir Gloomthorn and all of those Bug things- Just plain weird.
3) The new version of Wormguts, Grubb, The Bonekeeper, etc- I loved the Classic Ghoul look. This Green thing with a shovel look is rly creepy!
4) Those Fat Pig things in MS (Sanzoku Outlaw, Do-Daga, Haru, etc.)- They outright SCARE me. They're SO fat and ugly! :?

- Valerian DarkBringer- Grandmaster Death/Life
- Galen FrostFlame- Adept Ice/Balance

Feb 26, 2010
If you ask me, Grendels have to be the ugliest and creepiest monsters I have ever seen. Their walk is freaky, the way they get attacked is freaky, and they way they get defeated is freaky. Eww!

In second place, we have zombies, like Grubb! They are just so ugly that I can't describe it.

Next? Hmm, probably Krokopatra. The way she looks and sounds (especially when attacked) is really creepy. O_o

Then there are Banshees. To me, the creepiest part about the Banshees is that wail they make right before they die. And the one on Firecat Alley, I think her name is Bastilla Gravewynd, that one is super freaky.

Apr 21, 2010
none of the enemies scare me but several are very creepy
1. large grendles
2. the scream of the crypt scavenger
3. the natural attacks of gobblers and humongofrog(not creepy but gross)

Mar 08, 2009
The creepiest monsters in the game is the SHADOW WEARVERS *sivers*. The are down right SCARY! But the scariest is the shadow weaver boss on the last floor of warehouse! He cheats SO BAD!!! Every thing else is not creepy to me just gross like grendals. BTW Meowiarty is only bald cause he in a sphinx which in their nature is suppose to be bald, but they look VERY CREEPY!

Dec 13, 2008
Grendels. Do they have a skin disease?
Ghouls (like Wormguts.) Ugggh! Gross!
Rotting Fodders. They make me shiver.

Zachary Nightcloud.
Level 22 1/2
Storm & Ice

May 22, 2009
Jun 07, 2010
Scratchers, hands down, are the creepiest. With their Big yellow eyes. I would say spiders, but the ones in game do not have 8 legs, just 6. So technicaly they are Ticks, not Spiders..A insect has 6 legs, Spiders are not considered an insect, they are arachnids like a Scorpion is.

Hmm do the Balance scorpion's in game have 6 legs.***scratches head***

All arachnids have 8 legs. Insects have 6. There's the lesson for the day. Hehe... See, who said you can not learn anything in real life, by playing a video game. and reading the games Forums, :-)

May 11, 2010
Nothing really scares me by the looks, but when it comes to attack i'm totally scared. I have to say that the weird cl guy in the wharehouse is the worst when you attack him he summons minions :-o :-o :-o :-o, and when you attack him or his minions they minions go I SAW THAT, and the storm STORM LORDS, the life REBIRTHS, and the ice COLLOSUSES. One little storm lord, rebirth, or collosus, isnt that bad BUT EVERYTIME YOU HIT EVERYTIME. Its nuts. But the worst part is the boss is myth ( thats not the bad part ) he's myth and he can use tower O: O: O: O: :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o he has so much health that if you try to won hit it will almost kill, then the life will rebirth and ect. Sigh i hate that place :(