There is a glaringly obvious lack of health orbs in the Hall of Champions. Especially on the Soul Scavenger side of General Khaba where the Ice Golem sparsely appear when you need 8 ice shards and those silly Sokkwi Crushers abound. Also, too many false alarm health orbs that just put you in the way of monsters are roaming around the streets just outside of General Khaba (both sides). I chased health for over five minutes to find more that didnt work than would work.
I have not had any problems with health wisps. There are a few that do not move at all and won't give you health, but those seem are occurring less and less frequently. If it isn't a moving health wisp, don't go after it.
I'm sorry if there doesn't seem to be 20 or more health wisps in every section. Perhaps if you started healing yourself a bit more often in battle instead of expecting to be able to fully recharge your health after battles, there might actually be enough health wisps to make up the difference.
Did you ever consider that perhaps another wizard just came through the area and used up some or all the health and mana wisps before you got a chance to get them?
I offered you a solution: enter another area, or switch realms. It has nothing to do with the programming.