My little girl is 7 years old and playing in the Pyramid part of Wizards 101. She's trying to get on the boat to Krokotopia but the Sergeant Major won't give her permission to do so.
She went to check on the professor in the pyramid and he wants her to help his assistant go into the Map Room.
Can anyone give me some direction on how to help her?
She must complete the main storyline quests in the Pyramid before she can get permission to ride the boat over to the island (where the Krokosphynx is at).
She must finish the main storyline quests in the Krokosphynx before she gets permission to go to the Tomb of Storm (the teleport area where the three obelisks are arranged around a circle near the blue mander).
This is pretty much how the game is played, you must finish the main story quests in an area you do have access to before you get permission to go to the next. And it never hurts to do the side quests as well, as you get the most experience points (needed for leveling up your wizards) by completing quests as you go along.
My little girl is 7 years old and playing in the Pyramid part of Wizards 101. She's trying to get on the boat to Krokotopia but the Sergeant Major tablot won't give her permission to do so.
She went to check on the professor in the pyramid and he wants her to help his assistant go into the Map Room.
Can anyone give me some direction on how to help her?
Im on that to it is hard well she needs to level up and get most of the qust done. :) :-) :)