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Dec 13, 2008
I am one quest away from being done with dragonspire and have compleated all the other words and i have come to stop and think "Is KI even try to make a level expantion and/or new worlds????? I was one of the first wizards to roam wizard city and am wondering what is instore for me in my future of playing. I'm not a grandmaster (if your asking yourself) because my computor broke for 5 months. So my question for KI is are you porgressing or even WORKING AT ALL to make this happen???? I am very sorry if i sound impationt or pushy but i just REALLY need to know.

BeNjAmIn MiStMaSk / A bAr AwAy FrOm GrAnDmAsTeR / sAvOr Of ThE sPiRaL :P :P

As we have mentioned in the past, Dragonspyre is not the end of the story, young Wizards, but the conclusion of one chapter of the story of the Spiral.

The story does continue..

Jun 25, 2008
that would be sooo cool! i herd of a new world called chelsea, or something, and if an undead malistaire or a ghost malistaire at the end, then that would be so cool! i mean if there are ghosts and ghouls that are death, then the so called "master of death" would become an undead to right? i can't wait! :)