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slow loading wizard!

Jul 21, 2009
does anyone experience loading problems with any of their wizards? i have a few different ones on the same account and my grandmaster balance characters gameplay is very slow. it takes forever to go in between areas! my other characters load fast unlike the grandmaster. does anyone know why this is?

May 29, 2009

I'm willing to bet that your slow loading GM balance has a ton of treasure cards and your other characters do not. The number of pages of treasure cards you have seem to affect loading times and you go between areas. Having 99 copies of a single card doesn't seem to slow things down. Having 1 copy of 99 cards does.

cjarabek wrote:
does anyone experience loading problems with any of their wizards? i have a few different ones on the same account and my grandmaster balance characters gameplay is very slow. it takes forever to go in between areas! my other characters load fast unlike the grandmaster. does anyone know why this is?