I deleted my Grandmaster on my account, Not on purpose... I clicked on the one I wanted to delete and then when I am finished typing the words and hit delete I see my Ice Gandmaster, Highest Arena Gear Robe and Boots. Dissapear! I am wondering! Wizards! KingsIsle can someone please bring him back if that is possiable I am begging. PLEASE? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
We have put safeguards in place so that this doesn't happen.
In order to delete your Wizard, you have to: - select the Wizard to have it standing up at the front of the screen - click DELETE - then you were shown a screen with the Wizard's Name to confirm that's the one you wanted to delete, - type a long word into a field and clicked DELETE.
If someone else logged in to your account and deleted the Wizard, you need to change your password. Remember, exchange of usernames or passwords is a bannable offense.
If you managed to make it through all those steps and still deleted the character 'accidentally', the sooner you contact Mr Lincoln at support@wizard101 with a polite request to restore the character, the better chance you have of actually getting that character back.