I have had no problems gifting a couple of friends mounts with crowns in the past until today. I tried to gift a friend the Dragoness mount and he said it did not appear. I told him to check his backpack and click on the saddle icon and equip it. He said nope its not there. Then I said go through a portal or the world gate and try again. still no. Then I suggested logging out then back on again. still nothing. The mount i gifted was a permanent one. It costs 15,000 crowns. So I said let me try to gift you again which I did. STILL NO MOUNT!!! Now I am out 30,000 crowns for what? Nothing thats what. Someone tell me whats wrong now. I never had this problem before today. Will KI reimburse me the crowns I lost if I can't get it to work? Doubtful. Any suggestions or ideas please?
Please contact Mr Lincoln and let him know - he can track all purchases and gifts, and their destinations. <a href="mailto:support@wizard101.com">support@wizard101.com</a>