I have a good friend who I introduced to this game this weekend. He has a very old computer and decided to get a laptop. He asked me a question I didn't know the answer to. The question is, will wizard 101 run on windows 7? I wonder if anyone has any experience with it, maybe in beta? Or does someone have knowledge regarding this? Any information is greatly appreciated.
If anyone associated with KI knows, can you please respond?
Internally Wizard101 is running fine on our Windows 7 machines. You may encounter driver errors that concern video drivers if they're not up to date, and occasionally we've seen errors about the product not being 'registered' but we are working to correct that.
Internally Wizard101 is running fine on our Windows 7 machines. You may encounter driver errors that concern video drivers if they're not up to date, and occasionally we've seen errors about the product not being 'registered' but we are working to correct that.
ProfessorGreyrose: the above quote was made on 20 October 2009; it has been a month and a half/near two months since this quote was made. Will you, or can you, give us an update on the progress of Wizard101 compatibility with Windows 7. I, like many others I'm sure, am considering upgrading to Win 7 - and probably will. My concern, of course, is will this wonderful game operate in it's full and entirety - and if not (which I understand is quite possible), what problems might I expierence, or maybe information I might loose? I am asking only so I might be aware of what to expect and not get caught off-guard or totally blindsided. Any and all information you can afford us wizards would be greatly appreciated. I anxiously await your reply.
I have a really REALLY old computer and i freezes before the loading screen goes away and it stinks! But does wizard 101 word on windows 7?
We have the tech support you need, but we need more information from you, young Wizard!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding game or account matters, please send an email to: support@wizard101.com. Please include your account username and a DxDiag.
Get an adult to help you with this part: A DxDiag is a utility designed to display the specifications of the user's hardware, as well as to test DirectX software, including sound and video. If you are asked for this information in an email, it helps the support group relate your gaming issue to your personal computer.
To create a dxdiag.txt just go to Start -> Run (or Search in Vista) and enter dxdiag and click OK. Once the program has run it's course, click "Save all Information" and it will output a txt file that you can attach to your email.
Im trying to load this game onto my laptop, it has windows 7. For some reason it has been downloading the same patch over and over again for the last day, non stop. Has anyone ever seen this or know how to fix this?