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Minion trouble!

Jun 29, 2009
Here is the page about how we feel about our minions! :) Feel free to talk about the ups and downs of your minion. I want to hear from every school. :) I haven't seen all of the minions.

I am a fire wizard and my fire minion is not too helpful.He only knows 5 spells! Ya it takes off a lot of damage in the end, but it isn't quick enough in an emergency! (battling an Oni) I wouldn't mind much if I didn't see other minions with "20" spells. The minitar minion is pretty powerful. All myth minions are powerful. I'm just wandering if in the new update,if KI can add spells to minions. Or at least have you upgrade them. :P Also, can we make it trainable to get other schools minions?That would be awesome.

Keep talking!!
Level 39 Fire Wizard

May 29, 2009

First, in the test realm, there is the ability to buy minion treasure cards with crowns (not sure if you can do it with gold). Assuming this makes it into the live realm, you will have access to minions from other schools.

Second, the fire minion has its pros and cons. I use to not like him, but learned to use him in certain situations. It does pretty low level spells because you as a fire wizard have access to the second most powerful spells in the game in terms of damage (next to storm). If the minion were more powerful, I think it would make the wizard/minion combo too overpowering.

The fire minion's bread and butter is fire elf. I use him mainly against ice enemies who love to cast fire shields. Forget about the traps, and just double blade. Cast wyldfire as early as possible to maximize both your damage and your minions. If your strategy against a particular boss is to buff up for the big hit (fire traps, elementral traps), it's best not cast the minion since his specialty is shield breaking (and as a side effect, trap breaking).

ryguyhammy wrote:
Here is the page about how we feel about our minions! :) Feel free to talk about the ups and downs of your minion. I want to hear from every school. :) I haven't seen all of the minions.

I am a fire wizard and my fire minion is not too helpful.He only knows 5 spells! Ya it takes off a lot of damage in the end, but it isn't quick enough in an emergency! (battling an Oni) I wouldn't mind much if I didn't see other minions with "20" spells. The minitar minion is pretty powerful. All myth minions are powerful. I'm just wandering if in the new update,if KI can add spells to minions. Or at least have you upgrade them. :P Also, can we make it trainable to get other schools minions?That would be awesome.

Keep talking!!
Level 39 Fire Wizard

Jun 29, 2009
Yes, I am aware of the minion treasure cards. :D They were very helpful. That was a very good idea, but I mean train as a spell. It isn't a big difference, but it was just a suggestion.

Keep talking! :)
Level 39 fire wizard

May 23, 2009
Zelenbattlehorn gives you a quest to fight Flamebringer a fire boss. The next hard quest he gives is to store a crystal in a lock box.But when i entered the tower and killed the spiders, and all the other enemies, after i killed the silver sential and went through the door i went back to the Grand Chasm!!! Can someone please tell me how to get to the lockbox! :x :x :x

Apr 26, 2009
I am a fire Wizard and i dont like my minion. i have seen others and they have better cards. I wish KI will change the cards a bit for fire minion.

Jason ThunderShield
Level 40 Master in MS :D

Jul 08, 2009
ryguyhammy wrote:
Here is the page about how we feel about our minions! :) Feel free to talk about the ups and downs of your minion. I want to hear from every school. :) I haven't seen all of the minions.

I am a fire wizard and my fire minion is not too helpful.He only knows 5 spells! Ya it takes off a lot of damage in the end, but it isn't quick enough in an emergency! (battling an Oni) I wouldn't mind much if I didn't see other minions with "20" spells. The minitar minion is pretty powerful. All myth minions are powerful. I'm just wandering if in the new update,if KI can add spells to minions. Or at least have you upgrade them. :P Also, can we make it trainable to get other schools minions?That would be awesome.

Keep talking!!
Level 39 Fire Wizard

these are my minions and they are excellent

Living puppet:
Ups: attacks constantly

Troll (defender, guradian and brute)
ups: uses powerful attacks
downs: passes to much

Cyclops (squire, defender, solider and warrior)
ups: lots of health, good attacks and can heal once
downs: somewhat fizzles a lot.

Enraged minotaur:
ups: uses tower shields and taunts so enemy wont attack you.
downs: can die fast.

May 29, 2009
I am a balance student and get two minions: the helpful mander and spectral minion.

I love my mander so much that I have named him Zen because he is so peaceful and helpful to all players in the battle. He puts balance blades and shields on me, others, and himself. He casts Weakness, Black Mantle, and traps on the enemies. He donates pips to me and other players plus he uses Locust Swarm and Sandstorm to attack the other enemies. Zen is a well balanced minion.

I will use my spectral minion when I am fighting elementals but I can only hope I get one that will be helpful. My spectral minion can be an Ice Colossus, Fire Elemental, or Water Elemental. The fire and ice minions act just like their own school minions but the storm minion actually attacks instead of shielding himself and using taunt.

The downside to any of my minions is their low health and with the spectral you cannot choose which one you will get.

I still love my minions though because, overall, they are very good in battle.

Alura Hexcaster Master Sorceress

Mar 09, 2009
Storm Minion is absolutely awesome!!! Some people complain about him, and I didn't understand him at first but now I love him!!! I get him out early in the battle and as soon as he shields, he taunts! The beauty of this is that I can now concentrate on attacking while he is drawing fire! Because of my minion friend, I was able to solo the Halloween towers even though I only have 1138hp!

Autumn Moonrunner, Adept Storm

Jul 04, 2009
I understand that our minions are not controllable my us at all.

HOWEVER, with that said, I would like to see how we summon our minion to change IF IT IS AN ATTACK MINION.

When we click on our minion card (and remember, this applies ONLY to minions who attack), that it be treated just like an attack card. Meaning that we then click on the target. The summoned minion will then direct ALL of his attacks on that target until it is dead, then can randomly choose the next target on it's own.

Give me that much control and I would be a very happy wizard indeed.

Jun 29, 2009
I recently just bought a helpful minions(or whatever it is) card set and it came with a ice minion. Remember that I am a fire wizard and never used this before, and it was AWESOME!!! His spells were brilliant, 10 times better than my fire minion, and he lasted forever!

Keep talking!
Level 42 Fire Wizard