Well Kingsisle makes the most even rank match but this is what happened? Chris Rainbowcaster lvl30 captain Jack Deathstrider lvl.27 captain Jeremy Gem veteran lvl27 Tyler corporal lvl30 and we went against 2 warlord knight and corporal can anyone fix this situation?
The Ranked Player vs Player (PvP) matching system in Wizard101 is based on two very important factors: the Level of your Wizard character and the current PvP Rank of your Wizard character. The Level of your character is more important than the Rank, but your Rank is still a significant determining factor.
When you join a Ranked match, the system takes your information and tries to pair it up as closely as possible with other players who are currently waiting to compete. If no comparable players are waiting to compete, the system will widen the search. The longer you wait, the wider the search, and the bigger the difference between yourself and your opponent.
For matches of 2v2 or higher, the system will average out the determining factors for all the participants and attempt to match up players to the best teams and opponents that are available. The more players who are online and participating in the Player vs Player feature, the more closely the teams will be matched. When there are fewer players participating in the Player vs Player feature, the team members will be more varied and the differences between opponents will be larger.
The Ranked Player vs Player (PvP) matching system in Wizard101 is based on two very important factors: the Level of your Wizard character and the current PvP Rank of your Wizard character. The Level of your character is more important than the Rank, but your Rank is still a significant determining factor.
When you join a Ranked match, the system takes your information and tries to pair it up as closely as possible with other players who are currently waiting to compete. If no comparable players are waiting to compete, the system will widen the search. The longer you wait, the wider the search, and the bigger the difference between yourself and your opponent.
For matches of 2v2 or higher, the system will average out the determining factors for all the participants and attempt to match up players to the best teams and opponents that are available. The more players who are online and participating in the Player vs Player feature, the more closely the teams will be matched. When there are fewer players participating in the Player vs Player feature, the team members will be more varied and the differences between opponents will be larger.
I understand gamma but when me and my friend did a ranked 2v2 ranked pvp we got a match in less than like five seconds but we went up against a fire lvl 26 and a GRANDMASTER ICE OVERLORD and we creamed me and my friend with one frost giant :(
I think something is wonky with the 2 vs. 2 setup also. I fought with my son as level 5's (we just got over 800 rating). We got paired up vs. two level 50's (one was a warlord and the other a commander).
I think something is wrong with the match up system in 2 vs. 2. The match ups in solo seems to work as you describe.
Oh and we lost horribly to the two 50's of course.
The Ranked Player vs Player (PvP) matching system in Wizard101 is based on two very important factors: the Level of your Wizard character and the current PvP Rank of your Wizard character. The Level of your character is more important than the Rank, but your Rank is still a significant determining factor.
When you join a Ranked match, the system takes your information and tries to pair it up as closely as possible with other players who are currently waiting to compete. If no comparable players are waiting to compete, the system will widen the search. The longer you wait, the wider the search, and the bigger the difference between yourself and your opponent.
For matches of 2v2 or higher, the system will average out the determining factors for all the participants and attempt to match up players to the best teams and opponents that are available. The more players who are online and participating in the Player vs Player feature, the more closely the teams will be matched. When there are fewer players participating in the Player vs Player feature, the team members will be more varied and the differences between opponents will be larger.
I understand gamma but when me and my friend did a ranked 2v2 ranked pvp we got a match in less than like five seconds but we went up against a fire lvl 26 and a GRANDMASTER ICE OVERLORD and we creamed me and my friend with one frost giant :(
what i got from all that is k i dont CARE they will not see the bug and will not fix them the arena is very wrong very i get lvl 30 with no rank and i am on my overlord storm in full arena gear HOW IS THIS FAIR KI its not fair to them and when i am on my low lvl and in the arena its not fair to me the only thing i have seen that was fair aand i am cool with it is 0 points when you fight a low lvl person yes i think its fair for me to get 0 points when i am on my storm with all my stufflow lvl people worked to hard to be ripped off of there points i can think of around 10 bug in the arena you ask ki and there is none and wizards is the best game ever made i think its sad all the people playing this game and all the money they make and they will not fix a bug scot deathhammer