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Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101

Nov 10, 2011
Some of these are pretty funny. Here's some I thought of:

You start loving chores because you think you're getting lots of experience from them.

You think you've leveled up when it's your birthday.

You have memorized all of the spells of your schools.

You've read the last 20 pages of this topic.

You summon your dog to attack people you hate because you think it's a Hydra.

When you'd rather play Wizard 101 then eat or sleep.

-Daniel SoulWalker, Level 45 Master Sorcerer

A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
Nov 04, 2008
You know when you've been playing too much when you buy hefty amount of crowns, in my case 2 60,000 crowns

Alric HawkBlade
Transcended Thaumaturge

May 13, 2011
you know you play wizard101 too much when your dog locates you by simple orders (just happened)

Oct 26, 2010
These are funny. Here are mine.

1. You pick up a rock, and say "a Stone Block!".
2. You try to feed your dog/cat, etc Radioactive Pizza like in the game.
3. You use a ruler and throw it at someone like the lightningbolt on the kraken spell.
4. You set your cat on fire o. O.
5. You ask your son/daughter to battle them irl with colored pencils as wands.
6. You try to make wizard 101 trading cards. O. O

Jul 12, 2009
When you don't want to go to school the next day and attempt to cast a blizzard
You buy libra sign stuff even though you are not libra just for the balance scales
Or (one I am guilty of)
Your friends know you enough that they get you jewlery with the ice symbol on it :O

Sep 05, 2011
Lol! That's Funny Looks like i've been Playing Wizard101 To Much! But i cant stop! It's Fun, and pure Imagination!

P.S Ice Rules! :D

Sep 30, 2009
#10- You have dreams about Wizard101 (Guilty)

#9- You draw yuor characters in your free time (Guilty)

#8- You spend time on the message boards (Everyone here is guity)

#7- You realize that you only have a little bit of experience left in the game to level up and you had just logged out. Then you log back in and then level up five times (Not guilty, just yet)

#6- You think about what life would be like if the game was real (Guilty)

#5- Everyone you meet, you sort them into a school of magic (Kinda guilty)

#4- You wonder if you will be in the school your wizard is in (Guilty)

#3- When you go on a date with the boy/girl you like, you talk about Wizard101, even though you know they have nothing to do with it or don't even know what it is (Not guilty)

#2- When it's lunch, instead of talking with your friends like you normally would, you talk about magic and how you need to complete a quest real soon or it will disappear (Not guilty)

And the top reason you know you've been playing Wizard101 too much is!:
#1- You always go in Wizard101 in your free time, the second you get home from work/school(if you have no homework) you get on the game! (Gulity)

This was Amanda Emeraldeyes!
Lvl61 Diviner!

Aug 01, 2011
Trying to find a Gummy Firecat to feed to your 2 headed dog.

Jul 22, 2009
Here are a couple ways that you know that you've been playing wizard101 too much:

1: When someone asks you "what is taking so long" you say "i'm waiting on pips."
2:When someone messes up on something you say "man, you have gotta stop fizzling."
3: You compare goth people to Malistare

Hope you liked them :-)

Sep 17, 2011
You compare real life interactions, to those of Wizard101 (ex: You have done bad on something important to you, and think "Oh man this is worse then the time my skeletal pirate fizzled OR You find many similarities between people you dislike and annoying monsters that always catch you (even while your on the sidewalk)

Mar 30, 2010
JosephDragonDreame... wrote:
You compare real life interactions, to those of Wizard101 (ex: You have done bad on something important to you, and think "Oh man this is worse then the time my skeletal pirate fizzled OR You find many similarities between people you dislike and annoying monsters that always catch you (even while your on the sidewalk)

Your parethisies are longer than your actual message

Dec 25, 2008
Your fingers get numb from playing 8 hours a day without stopping. And having dreams of your lvl 40 wizard being level 50. 

Mar 30, 2010
HermioneGranger81 wrote:
#10- You have dreams about Wizard101 (Guilty)

#9- You draw yuor characters in your free time (Guilty)

#8- You spend time on the message boards (Everyone here is guity)

#7- You realize that you only have a little bit of experience left in the game to level up and you had just logged out. Then you log back in and then level up five times (Not guilty, just yet)

#6- You think about what life would be like if the game was real (Guilty)

#5- Everyone you meet, you sort them into a school of magic (Kinda guilty)

#4- You wonder if you will be in the school your wizard is in (Guilty)

#3- When you go on a date with the boy/girl you like, you talk about Wizard101, even though you know they have nothing to do with it or don't even know what it is (Not guilty)

#2- When it's lunch, instead of talking with your friends like you normally would, you talk about magic and how you need to complete a quest real soon or it will disappear (Not guilty)

And the top reason you know you've been playing Wizard101 too much is!:
#1- You always go in Wizard101 in your free time, the second you get home from work/school(if you have no homework) you get on the game! (Gulity)

This was Amanda Emeraldeyes!
Lvl61 Diviner!

I think everyone that likes W 101 does #1. But my mom always tells me to get off.

Oct 28, 2010
1.When you are waching TV and the people need to get away from somthing you think, "well, just port home!'
2.You survive the boring school day by imagining that youre teacher is professor greyrose.

Alexandra Goldesong~ magus thermeturge

Dec 21, 2008
Here's one: Your teacher finds school symbol doodles on your worksheets.

Let me tell you about something, this actually happened lol. My friend at school once told me that she wrote "beguile" on her math test and put hearts over it and also told me that she hoped the teacher hadn't graded it yet, but she did grade it. My friend said that her teacher wrote next to the beguile, "What's that?". That made me laugh a lot. So maybe if you write names of spells on your tests that could mean you're playing too much.

Caroline Sunbright level 70 life

Aug 24, 2009
Dec 25, 2008
Funny posts guyz mine are ok Oh BTW All of us have definetly commited 90% of these :P, You know you play too much wizard101 if you have dreams of characters like ambrose in it or you dream that you are your wizard :P. You also know that you play to much w101 if you think all day about how long you have to get home from school/work/wherever to garden before your plants die. I am guilty to many things relating to wizard101. My friends make fun of me a lot, so i stop telling them bout wiz except for the one who plays, he complains about how he needs to garden too :P

Nov 05, 2011
Here's my top ten:

10. You see someone wave a stick and you say: "Wow! What spell are you gonna use?"

9. You see a dog and go: "Aww, the little doggy Orthrus!"

8. When you walk past a big tree, you try and walk into it. Weirdly, one time I tried this and I found a door inside

7. You begin to buy tons of weird stuff for your house, including a pet salamander, which then eats your cat.

6. When you see a fire, you shout: "HELEPHANT!!"

5. You train your pet dog to cast a spell, not the best idea in the world.

4. You turn your bedroom into a dorm room, then put every single weird thing you own into it, turning the room into a very odd place.

3. Every time you go to the beach you start searching for a talking waterfall.

2. You start annoying your friends 'cause you keep saying: "Let's go fight Malistaire."

1. You're walking down the street and you see someone step on an ant and then you say: "COOL! Nice mount!"

Jasmine IceBringer thinks ant mounts are a good idea.

Oct 28, 2010
Just thought of some new ones.
1. You hit your sister and expect her health go down.
2.When you're walking home from school you begin to wonder why you didn't just port home. ( happens to me every day)
3. You dream about it. ( once I had a dream where my best friend was gossiping with professor greyrose)
4. Youre parents swear you're speaking a diffrent language.
5. You wake up at 5am just to play. ( almost did that to do big ben... glad I didn't)
Alexandra Goldesong~ mastermind, level 38 ice

Dec 25, 2011
HAHA! I have dreams that I'm my wizard running through Unicorn Way defeating Lady Blackhope and beating up fairies........ IM ADDICTED!!!!!!!

Dec 23, 2009
You quit trying to solve that one Distance Formula because it was interrupting your concentration on Wizard101.

Dec 23, 2009
I've caught myself walking down the school hallway, thinking it's too crowded, and wanting to switch realms. I've actually searched for my spellbook before, because it was too crowded. Yeah.

Aug 03, 2011
IamLezul wrote:
OOOOh! AND when u have dreams that ur in a crazy hard dugeon! AND, when you've been playing sooooo much and then you log off, YOU CAN STILL HEAR THE MUSIC!!! This happens to me sooooo much! LOL

I had something similar to that lol it was that w101 released a new dungeon

Aug 17, 2010
My indicator that I've been playing too much is when I started pretending to be my wizard character in front of all my friends then asked if they could help me on a quest. Ah well they're used to that by now. Oh yeah another indicator is that you decide it's time to get that pet you've always wanted then go to you local pet store and ask if they have any jade onis, piggles,dragons,storm hounds, etc. :D