Sorry to see it end, wish there was more. Please m
well it is sad day for me, I have reached the end of the game.Defeating Malistaire and all opponents along that long road there. While I move around the game I miss those fiends and fights we had as a group. Memory of times we thougth Grand master was what we all wanted. Now we have it we wonder what to do with ourself. I run the streets, and look for any old friends and they have moved on with new wizards. Some I have not met and will forever not meet with the game as large as it is. I guess what I wnat to say here is enjoy what time you have reaching the Grandmaster level, becasue once you get there you wonder where everyone went. They started new wizards and left you or just dont bring the old Grand master out anymore. For me I miss those times we struggeled n Kaz Kitchen, and the dungeons we hated to leave cause we could not get back in. Now I run around looking to help anyone just to have something to do. Game Director, is there a place for us in the future, where we once again may play as teams but as Grands, I hope there is because I want to start a new wizard, but I just cant quit looking for my friends that have moved on. For me I try to fill my time helping others but it just isnt like the old days. Help us continue playing, make room for us in the realms to once again fight together as friends. To my friends I say it was a good time and I will remember the game, and very good times we had in out struggles. Coyle Hexthief, Life is Grand.