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Confused about secondary classes

Aug 12, 2009
I've been playing for a few days now as a storm wizard and have wondered what would be best for a secondary class. I just started browsing through the forums and noticed that I could be an ice wizard as my primary and storm as my secondary and have a lot of hp. However, I'm confused as to, whether or not, the secondary classes are the same as primary class, in damage output, fizzle rates, etc.

So, please if anyone can offer any input on what secondary class to use as a storm wizard or if secondary schools are equal to primaries.


Feb 27, 2009
A "secondary school" is simply another spell collection that you have. Those spells are the ones you save your training points for. Your "main school" is storm because you are a storm student, meaning that you are going to have more storm spells than your secondary school spells. You will also get special quests from only your teacher at levels 7, 12, 18, 28, 38, and 48. There is not really a better secondary school, but i would prefer life as a secondary because you have the power to heal others as well as a more powerful healing system for yourself. Because your school and the fire school has the lowest chance of not fizzling, i would choose something with a percentage of about 85 or higher. If you do fire, you will fizzle a lot.
Well, i hope this answers about all of your questions! :)

Kestrel Ghostwalker~ lvl 46 Master sorcerer

Aug 05, 2009
Secondary Schools are not equal to Primary Schools....and here is why:
  • Secondary Schools do not progress as quickly as your Primary does in gaining new spells / cards.

  • Power Pips give no advantage to Secondary School Spells, whereas they count as 2 pips / mana for Primary School Spells.

With that being said, you should get a Secondary School to "round out" your character.
Most people that I have ran into have Life as their Secondary School. (I have it for my Necro.) Its nice to have some healing spells / cards available to you that aren't coming from your TCs.

Another one that I see used quite a bit as a Secondary School (especially for Life toons) is Balance. This has a number of spells that will round out any other Primary School.

If you're conscientious about both damage output and your health, then Death might be a good Secondary School for you. Their draining spells / cards will help keep your health up during battle. (Btw, spells that drain work around Absorb Shields, but Damage Shields still lower their effect.)

Hope this helps!

Cronniss Starrmyrr