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Changes to Wild Bolt Spell - a Civilized Chat

Aug 22, 2009
I understand that people in PvP were getting angry about getting owned by Wild Bolt, but their reaction should not be, "Wah wah wah, I'm defeated again because of that darn Wild Bolt!" It should be, "Ooh, wow, I should try that out." And go create a Storm Wizard.

When I was in Dragonspyre I was already having enough trouble, and the Wild Bolt is what got me through most fights. After this update, I didn't have Wild Bolt anymore, and I could hardly finish street fights, let alone boss towers.

And now that I'm in Celestia, it's the same situation, except doubled. I can't finish street fights, and I'm stuck in the base-camp running around hoping that someone will listen to my "please help me" or "can I get some help?"

May 30, 2009
i hate it because i did calculations, there is a 23.4 percent chance it will work well and a 76.6 it will either fizzle or do low damage

Apr 12, 2010
Just voicing my disappointment in the changes to the Wild Bolt spell as well. I am a level 50 Storm. I have removed it completely from my deck now so I won't even be tempted to try it and waste my pips. It was one of those cards for me that I gave a shot when it happened to come around. If it worked, "Great!" if not then at least I still had my pips for a bigger card later. Obviously from most of this thread a lot of people are unhappy about the changes so it looks like they need to continue working on this spell if they really want to try and make the majority happy.

Jul 13, 2009
darthjt wrote:

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

Here are some ridiculous arguments that I've seen so far:

The chances of hitting 1000 is lower
Well guess what it's actually higher. Watch, you have a 1/3 chance to get 1000 and the BASE accuracy is 70%, so 70 x .33 = 23.1%. The change now gives storm people a 23.1% chance instead of 10% for 1000. Also with the accuracy boost from clothing you chances go up.

"It's like taking Judge and making it worse"
Well Judge already isn't amazing! Judge I'm not denying Judge already isn't a life saver, but it's costly because while you wait for pips you are just letting your opponent attack you.

" Not one person who likes the new bolt has given a good reason"- darthjt
Well guess what darthjt all I've been hearing from you storm people is WAH! WAH! Our chances of hitting 1000 is lower! Well.. If you look on this same post I have provided the math to prove that wrong. The other arguement is that it wastes 2 whole pips. Oh wow 2 pips thats just the power pip you get at the begining of a battle!

I am calling you out darthjt and I want you to come up with a legit arguement that isn't about the "horrible" percentages or how it wastes a power pip. Anyone who knows darthjt tell him to read this because I'd love to hear what he comes up with.

May 10, 2010
tas95 wrote:
darthjt wrote:

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

Here are some ridiculous arguments that I've seen so far:

The chances of hitting 1000 is lower
Well guess what it's actually higher. Watch, you have a 1/3 chance to get 1000 and the BASE accuracy is 70%, so 70 x .33 = 23.1%. The change now gives storm people a 23.1% chance instead of 10% for 1000. Also with the accuracy boost from clothing you chances go up.

This is what you call Math? You are joking right? Pulling my leg?
Ok, by Your Math Standards! 23.1% chance of hitting a 1000 right? so, that is so much better than 10% chance eh? While that sounds reasonable, is it? 2/3 of the time, you will waste 2 pips dealing 10 or 100 damage, that is even saying, that this DOES actually hit 1000 1/3 of the time, which, for some reason, everyone assumes it does, except those that have actually tried the new wild bolt and calculated the figures. But that is neither here nor there. So, 3/23.1 is less than 10% is it not? Because you have to consider the wasted time when hitting, because you are also not building up pips for Triton, Stormzilla, Tempest, or Leviathan! Also, you are taking away any possible strategy with the use of wild bolt, because you will no longer blade, or trap when using wild bolt now. Did you figure that into your equation? Of course you didn't, you are too simple minded!

"It's like taking Judge and making it worse"
Well Judge already isn't amazing! Judge I'm not denying Judge already isn't a life saver, but it's costly because while you wait for pips you are just letting your opponent attack you.

Hmm, let me think, Judgment! Wow, you really made such a case for yourself here. Why did you post a rebuttle to me? To give me a laugh? Ok, Storm! There is a 70%, 80%, 85%, and a 90% shield for storm. Storm does not have many DOT spells, now do they? Hence, why wild bolt was a good spell to have, in old form! Now, Judgement, hmm start out with 500 damage off the bat, plus 45% damage boost off the bat. Add in 2 feints, that adds 70% and 75%, and even one Balance Blade, so, in 3 turns, Judgment can do 4583 damage, of which, the main defenses are tower shield 50%, tower shield 55%, and weakness. How many of those do you suppose your enemy will throw at you in 3 rounds? Say 1? maybe 2? so, you might be down to around 2000 damage doubt they will have both shields and both ready for a fast attack! Wait, what was your rebuttle again?

" Not one person who likes the new bolt has given a good reason"- darthjt
Well guess what darthjt all I've been hearing from you storm people is WAH! WAH! Our chances of hitting 1000 is lower! Well.. If you look on this same post I have provided the math to prove that wrong. The other arguement is that it wastes 2 whole pips. Oh wow 2 pips thats just the power pip you get at the begining of a battle!

I am not saying WAH! WAH! I am simply showing the error in the new Wild Bolt. I can also show how it is more powerful than the old Wild Bolt and that at least with the old Wild Bolt, you had a chance to fizzle, but I am sure your little grasp of knowledge would not understand. If you think you can, by all means, see my other posts on wild bolt!

I am calling you out darthjt and I want you to come up with a legit arguement that isn't about the "horrible" percentages or how it wastes a power pip. Anyone who knows darthjt tell him to read this because I'd love to hear what he comes up with.

I for one, have given many and several reasons why the old wild bolt is better and more useful and less powerful than the New Wild Bolt. I have given mathmatical figures and facts. Addressed every issue and point. What I still have not heard, not even by you, is a factual reason that supports the new Wild Bolt!

Think about what you say before you say it, I hate to reply to foolishness!

Jul 13, 2009
darthjt wrote:

Anyway, let me ask this, how many people need to complain, quit, sign a petition, or do something drastic to get the spell back to its original state? Will it matter what we say or do? You say you are listening, but so far, almost everyone hates what you have done to Wild Bolt.

Here are the reasons. 1: You waste 2 pips on a supposed 33% chance at 1000 damage ( and like Elemental Blast, usually you get ice, the lowest )

2:You can use wand and get more damage without the use of pips.
3:Storm has low health to begin with, so we have to hit hard and fast to even have a chance!
4:We fizzle the most, so, if we can, use spells, and enchantments to get a spell to work 70, 80, 90, and even 100% of the time, which would take a lot of other casting and costs, would we not then earn that right?
5:We are trying to keep all the schools in balance, yet, this clearly takes a great spell from storm. Yet, we are now giving Ice an amulet that gives a +45 attack blade, plus you can have pet with DragonBlade, Plus other enchantments, to make their attacks very very powerful, plus they can steal your shields, have lots of tower shields, and have resistance to all magic. Meanwhile, Balance, there is only tower shield that will protect you, and that is an ice spell, unless you buy them, and at most we can only get 5, unless you buy them, they have 125 per pip judgement spell, plus blades, hex, add feints in, and without shields or dispel, your done for, especially with low health. So, we are trying to keep the playing field even, right?

Does any other school have a spell that wastes pips? why should storms?

Either make the spell have a 0 pip cost, which would then be fair, or make it be 200 or 1000 damage a 50/50 chance, that way, it would be fair.

Well you were right and I didn't take in to account your reasons already posted, but there are problems with you some of your "logical" reasoning.

1. Your first reason was that you have a higher chance of getting ice or the lowest attack power. Well that isn't even logic or a fact it's an opinion and isn't a reason. Also by saying the "supposed" chance is weakening your opponents view because it seems as if KI is making the chances of 10 higher than 1000, which it's not. This reasoning is fallacious and isn't a real reason.

2. I agree with you for the most part a wand spell could give a better or equal attack some of the time, but not always. Saying that it does is saying it's a fact, when sometimes that's false. Again weakening your opponents view.

3. Yes storm has the lowest health, but storm can still strike faster than most schools because stormzilla is 1 pip lower than the other lvl 42 spells and triton has 6 pips the same as lvl 42 spells and both have higher attack power than other schools' lvl 42 spell.

4. Yes storm fizzles the most, but storm gets the most accuracy boosts and with an accuracy boost of 20% or below the new bolt has better chances of 1000. So not only does storm get way better accuracy toward grand, but also storm has the most power.

5. Balance between schools is most important and with the new bolt you say the balance is off, but with the old bolt what other school could inflict 0ver 1,000 damage in about 1 to 2 turns? This seems quite unfair to me. You gave an example of how Judge can be amazingly strong, yell I'm not denying that, but it takes a long time to blade and trap and after the attack you must heal and go on defense because you have been attacked and before the attack you can't heal because you would lose pips and prolong your attack.

You have discredited the arguments that it won't kill people int he first two turns, but that is the case and its not an opinion.

Overall your arguments have been defamed by your bias for storm and it was a silly thing to think your foolishness trumps mine.

Dec 15, 2008
arollison wrote:
I think the change is adequate and fair, and I will tell you why. There is no other school that has the opportunity to do 1000+ damage with 2 pips. I am a balance gm and I have to wait 5 rounds (if I get power pips each round) to hit judgment at 1000, not including gear, pet and boosts.

If you were to change wild bolt back to its original state, I would not be upset, however, I believe
requiring more pips would even things out. Perhaps since all the storms are complaining (even though they have lord and triton), KI will change the bolt back to its original state. If they do, I hope they will require more pips. It takes the other schools building up pips to do any damage too.

I fully agree on what you are saying.Even if there is only 1/3 the chance of 1000 damage, its still a chance. I still use it and I make sure I get the best out of it. And I also agree that it should cost more pips.Even if I'm a storm wizard,i still believe it should cost maybe 3or4pips.what other school gets to do that much damage with 2 pips!

Luke Skywalker: lvl 45 diviner

Dec 21, 2008
darthjt wrote:
tas95 wrote:
darthjt wrote:

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

Here are some ridiculous arguments that I've seen so far:

The chances of hitting 1000 is lower
Well guess what it's actually higher. Watch, you have a 1/3 chance to get 1000 and the BASE accuracy is 70%, so 70 x .33 = 23.1%. The change now gives storm people a 23.1% chance instead of 10% for 1000. Also with the accuracy boost from clothing you chances go up.

This is what you call Math? You are joking right? Pulling my leg?
Ok, by Your Math Standards! 23.1% chance of hitting a 1000 right? so, that is so much better than 10% chance eh? While that sounds reasonable, is it? 2/3 of the time, you will waste 2 pips dealing 10 or 100 damage, that is even saying, that this DOES actually hit 1000 1/3 of the time, which, for some reason, everyone assumes it does, except those that have actually tried the new wild bolt and calculated the figures. But that is neither here nor there. So, 3/23.1 is less than 10% is it not? Because you have to consider the wasted time when hitting, because you are also not building up pips for Triton, Stormzilla, Tempest, or Leviathan! Also, you are taking away any possible strategy with the use of wild bolt, because you will no longer blade, or trap when using wild bolt now. Did you figure that into your equation? Of course you didn't, you are too simple minded!

"It's like taking Judge and making it worse"
Well Judge already isn't amazing! Judge I'm not denying Judge already isn't a life saver, but it's costly because while you wait for pips you are just letting your opponent attack you.

Hmm, let me think, Judgment! Wow, you really made such a case for yourself here. Why did you post a rebuttle to me? To give me a laugh? Ok, Storm! There is a 70%, 80%, 85%, and a 90% shield for storm. Storm does not have many DOT spells, now do they? Hence, why wild bolt was a good spell to have, in old form! Now, Judgement, hmm start out with 500 damage off the bat, plus 45% damage boost off the bat. Add in 2 feints, that adds 70% and 75%, and even one Balance Blade, so, in 3 turns, Judgment can do 4583 damage, of which, the main defenses are tower shield 50%, tower shield 55%, and weakness. How many of those do you suppose your enemy will throw at you in 3 rounds? Say 1? maybe 2? so, you might be down to around 2000 damage doubt they will have both shields and both ready for a fast attack! Wait, what was your rebuttle again?

" Not one person who likes the new bolt has given a good reason"- darthjt
Well guess what darthjt all I've been hearing from you storm people is WAH! WAH! Our chances of hitting 1000 is lower! Well.. If you look on this same post I have provided the math to prove that wrong. The other arguement is that it wastes 2 whole pips. Oh wow 2 pips thats just the power pip you get at the begining of a battle!

I am not saying WAH! WAH! I am simply showing the error in the new Wild Bolt. I can also show how it is more powerful than the old Wild Bolt and that at least with the old Wild Bolt, you had a chance to fizzle, but I am sure your little grasp of knowledge would not understand. If you think you can, by all means, see my other posts on wild bolt!

I am calling you out darthjt and I want you to come up with a legit arguement that isn't about the "horrible" percentages or how it wastes a power pip. Anyone who knows darthjt tell him to read this because I'd love to hear what he comes up with.

I for one, have given many and several reasons why the old wild bolt is better and more useful and less powerful than the New Wild Bolt. I have given mathmatical figures and facts. Addressed every issue and point. What I still have not heard, not even by you, is a factual reason that supports the new Wild Bolt!

Think about what you say before you say it, I hate to reply to foolishness!

Speaking of foolishness, have you bothered to read my thoughts on the subject? (It's on page 14 to save you time.) Either you haven't or your just trying to ignore the many points I put up on how it hasn't really changed much at all. I'm not saying that what KI did was 100% right (it seems they "fizzled" by the looks of it haha :D), but there is a legitimate reason to quickly realize that wild bolt hasn't changed all that much.

Wild bolt basically did this (and this is what i see people complaining about!):
Old bolt: 10% accuracy with guaranteed 1000 damage.
New Bolt: 70% accuracy and (according to what the people on the board here came up with) is around 20-25% maybe less to hit that 1000 and a small pip gamble. I gotta agree with the people who think 2 pips isnt that much.

The spell is still all about LUCK. Plain and simple. What you people are yelling at KI about is the simple matter that it requires even more luck than it required to begin with.

This whole thing to me sounds like someone saying "Boo Hoo, I lost the lottery! It's not fair!"

Now, can we all just end this attacking other posters?? I don't think KI is even reading half this stuff anhymore because it is just people arguing attacking people about which is better (which they could have saved KI some time by putting it in another part of the board!).

Seriously boys and girls, can we just end this now? The arguing falls out of the "Civil" part of this board that was supposed to be there in the first place.

Ryan Frostshard - Legend of the Ice Arts

Jun 24, 2009
Why you take it to 10,100,1000 its better as it was it was more powerful as it was and no one has said this well you should keep it the same 1000 but change the pip because normal storm get lots of power pips thats what i say!

May 10, 2010
tas95 wrote:
darthjt wrote:

Anyway, let me ask this, how many people need to complain, quit, sign a petition, or do something drastic to get the spell back to its original state? Will it matter what we say or do? You say you are listening, but so far, almost everyone hates what you have done to Wild Bolt.

Here are the reasons. 1: You waste 2 pips on a supposed 33% chance at 1000 damage ( and like Elemental Blast, usually you get ice, the lowest )

2:You can use wand and get more damage without the use of pips.
3:Storm has low health to begin with, so we have to hit hard and fast to even have a chance!
4:We fizzle the most, so, if we can, use spells, and enchantments to get a spell to work 70, 80, 90, and even 100% of the time, which would take a lot of other casting and costs, would we not then earn that right?
5:We are trying to keep all the schools in balance, yet, this clearly takes a great spell from storm. Yet, we are now giving Ice an amulet that gives a +45 attack blade, plus you can have pet with DragonBlade, Plus other enchantments, to make their attacks very very powerful, plus they can steal your shields, have lots of tower shields, and have resistance to all magic. Meanwhile, Balance, there is only tower shield that will protect you, and that is an ice spell, unless you buy them, and at most we can only get 5, unless you buy them, they have 125 per pip judgement spell, plus blades, hex, add feints in, and without shields or dispel, your done for, especially with low health. So, we are trying to keep the playing field even, right?

Does any other school have a spell that wastes pips? why should storms?

Either make the spell have a 0 pip cost, which would then be fair, or make it be 200 or 1000 damage a 50/50 chance, that way, it would be fair.

Well you were right and I didn't take in to account your reasons already posted, but there are problems with you some of your "logical" reasoning.

1. Your first reason was that you have a higher chance of getting ice or the lowest attack power. Well that isn't even logic or a fact it's an opinion and isn't a reason. Also by saying the "supposed" chance is weakening your opponents view because it seems as if KI is making the chances of 10 higher than 1000, which it's not. This reasoning is fallacious and isn't a real reason.

Well, I wish you would complete your thoughts, so that the rest of us can understand what you mean or are trying to imply. What does your first sentence say? If you are trying to say that, in elemental blast, I said, and yes, you could call it an opinion, that most of the time, you get the ice attack, which is the lowest damage, yes, that is what I said. So, if you take elemental blast and use it 100 times, you will see, that you will NOT get 33 ice, 33 fire, and 33 storm. The law of percentages say you should, but the law of averages say you will not!

2. I agree with you for the most part a wand spell could give a better or equal attack some of the time, but not always. Saying that it does is saying it's a fact, when sometimes that's false. Again weakening your opponents view
Ok, so, if you want to get technical, a player will have a wand at level 25 that can do 90 damage, a little less that the 100 of the NEW wild bolt.
So, I will concede, but it does not make my point mute, when a wand can do the damage of 2, not 1 but 1 of the damages that the new wild bolt can do without wasting a pip. A few, say, 2 pips is a good cost of a possible 1000k, but, if you tried, 12 times, and got 8, 10s, 3 100s, and 1 1000, I think you would start to reconsider your view. Heck, out of 12 times, you would hit the lottery to hit 1000 1 time! Yes, Not a fact, some might get very lucky and hit it twice, but does not change the law of percentages or the law of averages! There is a difference!

3. Yes storm has the lowest health, but storm can still strike faster than most schools because stormzilla is 1 pip lower than the other lvl 42 spells and triton has 6 pips the same as lvl 42 spells and both have higher attack power than other schools' lvl 42 spell.

4. Yes storm fizzles the most, but storm gets the most accuracy boosts and with an accuracy boost of 20% or below the new bolt has better chances of 1000. So not only does storm get way better accuracy toward grand, but also storm has the most power

Ok, I agree completely with 3 and 4, however, the point is, Ice, Fire, Death, and myth have DOT spells or ways around shields! Balance can inflict 2959 damage after placing amulet feint and standard feint, and without a critical. I will concede that life does not have a DOT spell, however, Life gets over 1000 more health, healing spells, higher boosts, and honestly, how many use life shields? IN PVE, almost none, IN PVP, a few.

5. Balance between schools is most important and with the new bolt you say the balance is off, but with the old bolt what other school could inflict 0ver 1,000 damage in about 1 to 2 turns? This seems quite unfair to me. You gave an example of how Judge can be amazingly strong, yell I'm not denying that, but it takes a long time to blade and trap and after the attack you must heal and go on defense because you have been attacked and before the attack you can't heal because you would lose pips and prolong your attack.
What other school can do 1000 attack in 1 or 2 turns? Are you kidding me? Ice can do 700 damage with Evil Snowman right off the bat! For 3 pips! I have already stated as a fact that on round 3 Balance can attack with Judgment for 2959 damage, more if you have a pet that gives damage. Ever School has power now, no school is weak!

You have discredited the arguments that it won't kill people int he first two turns, but that is the case and its not an opinion.

Ok I have no idea what you are saying here, quit rambling and make sense. What will not kill people in the first 2 turns? Judgement? WildBolt? what are you talking about?

Overall your arguments have been defamed by your bias for storm and it was a silly thing to think your foolishness trumps mine.

Bias for storm? Really? Really, Really? I am stating facts and results, you are just talking jibberish, you have not stated one fact or given one real rebuke to anything. I am not foolish, nor stating anything foolish, I am telling people the real problems with the New Wild Bolt, like it or not. I am challenging anyone to come up with a good excuse or reason for the New wild bolt. And, I am still looking!

May 10, 2010
minigiant9 wrote:
darthjt wrote:
tas95 wrote:
darthjt wrote:

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

Here are some ridiculous arguments that I've seen so far:

The chances of hitting 1000 is lower
Well guess what it's actually higher. Watch, you have a 1/3 chance to get 1000 and the BASE accuracy is 70%, so 70 x .33 = 23.1%. The change now gives storm people a 23.1% chance instead of 10% for 1000. Also with the accuracy boost from clothing you chances go up.

This is what you call Math? You are joking right? Pulling my leg?
Ok, by Your Math Standards! 23.1% chance of hitting a 1000 right? so, that is so much better than 10% chance eh? While that sounds reasonable, is it? 2/3 of the time, you will waste 2 pips dealing 10 or 100 damage, that is even saying, that this DOES actually hit 1000 1/3 of the time, which, for some reason, everyone assumes it does, except those that have actually tried the new wild bolt and calculated the figures. But that is neither here nor there. So, 3/23.1 is less than 10% is it not? Because you have to consider the wasted time when hitting, because you are also not building up pips for Triton, Stormzilla, Tempest, or Leviathan! Also, you are taking away any possible strategy with the use of wild bolt, because you will no longer blade, or trap when using wild bolt now. Did you figure that into your equation? Of course you didn't, you are too simple minded!

"It's like taking Judge and making it worse"
Well Judge already isn't amazing! Judge I'm not denying Judge already isn't a life saver, but it's costly because while you wait for pips you are just letting your opponent attack you.

Hmm, let me think, Judgment! Wow, you really made such a case for yourself here. Why did you post a rebuttle to me? To give me a laugh? Ok, Storm! There is a 70%, 80%, 85%, and a 90% shield for storm. Storm does not have many DOT spells, now do they? Hence, why wild bolt was a good spell to have, in old form! Now, Judgement, hmm start out with 500 damage off the bat, plus 45% damage boost off the bat. Add in 2 feints, that adds 70% and 75%, and even one Balance Blade, so, in 3 turns, Judgment can do 4583 damage, of which, the main defenses are tower shield 50%, tower shield 55%, and weakness. How many of those do you suppose your enemy will throw at you in 3 rounds? Say 1? maybe 2? so, you might be down to around 2000 damage doubt they will have both shields and both ready for a fast attack! Wait, what was your rebuttle again?

" Not one person who likes the new bolt has given a good reason"- darthjt
Well guess what darthjt all I've been hearing from you storm people is WAH! WAH! Our chances of hitting 1000 is lower! Well.. If you look on this same post I have provided the math to prove that wrong. The other arguement is that it wastes 2 whole pips. Oh wow 2 pips thats just the power pip you get at the begining of a battle!

I am not saying WAH! WAH! I am simply showing the error in the new Wild Bolt. I can also show how it is more powerful than the old Wild Bolt and that at least with the old Wild Bolt, you had a chance to fizzle, but I am sure your little grasp of knowledge would not understand. If you think you can, by all means, see my other posts on wild bolt!

I am calling you out darthjt and I want you to come up with a legit arguement that isn't about the "horrible" percentages or how it wastes a power pip. Anyone who knows darthjt tell him to read this because I'd love to hear what he comes up with.

I for one, have given many and several reasons why the old wild bolt is better and more useful and less powerful than the New Wild Bolt. I have given mathmatical figures and facts. Addressed every issue and point. What I still have not heard, not even by you, is a factual reason that supports the new Wild Bolt!

Think about what you say before you say it, I hate to reply to foolishness!

Speaking of foolishness, have you bothered to read my thoughts on the subject? (It's on page 14 to save you time.) Either you haven't or your just trying to ignore the many points I put up on how it hasn't really changed much at all. I'm not saying that what KI did was 100% right (it seems they "fizzled" by the looks of it haha :D), but there is a legitimate reason to quickly realize that wild bolt hasn't changed all that much.

Wild bolt basically did this (and this is what i see people complaining about!):
Old bolt: 10% accuracy with guaranteed 1000 damage.
New Bolt: 70% accuracy and (according to what the people on the board here came up with) is around 20-25% maybe less to hit that 1000 and a small pip gamble. I gotta agree with the people who think 2 pips isnt that much.

The spell is still all about LUCK. Plain and simple. What you people are yelling at KI about is the simple matter that it requires even more luck than it required to begin with.

This whole thing to me sounds like someone saying "Boo Hoo, I lost the lottery! It's not fair!"

Now, can we all just end this attacking other posters?? I don't think KI is even reading half this stuff anhymore because it is just people arguing attacking people about which is better (which they could have saved KI some time by putting it in another part of the board!).

Seriously boys and girls, can we just end this now? The arguing falls out of the "Civil" part of this board that was supposed to be there in the first place.

Ryan Frostshard - Legend of the Ice Arts

Ah yes, I read your post and no, there was no point in replying to your post. You are out of your realm and have no bearing on this discussion. You have no business posting, because you have no idea how to play this game.

Case in Point - You are in awe of 10000 damage!

I also have a couple Ice Wizards, and I do over 30000 damage quite frequently without a critical, with colossus or frost giant. Also, I do this without, Balance, Death, or anyone else boosting me. I can do that much damage on my own.

Now, you also want to comment when you have snow angel? A DOT Spell that hits all! You know, with my Snow angel, with Blades alone, I can do 2000 damage to start and 2200 a round, without critical. Shield that! Now, What DOT spell does storm get? Oh, that's right, it doesn't. So, what business do you have to say anything?

Your Evil Snowman can do 690 damage off the bat! You have 3600 health at Legendary, you have a 37% resist all, and you want to say anything about storm and it's abilities?

Now, make a point, because so far all you have said is mindless gibberish!

Oct 31, 2008

Hello Storm Wizards from around the spiral! I have read the Wildbolt, seen it and come up with an extremely short answer.

Wizard VS Monster (PvM)

Cost: 3Pips
Damage: 1000 storm damage
Accuracy: 50

Wizard VS Wizard (PvP)

Cost: 2Pips
Damage: 500, or 1000 storm damage
Accuracy: 35%
There now you can kill monsters with ease, but you wont get off that easy is PvP.

Jun 14, 2009
I think the change is adequate and fair, and I will tell you why. There is no other school that has the opportunity to do 1000+ damage with 2 pips. I am a balance gm and I have to wait 5 rounds (if I get power pips each round) to hit judgment at 1000, not including gear, pet and boosts.

If you were to change wild bolt back to its original state, I would not be upset, however, I believe requiring more pips would even things out. Perhaps since all the storms are complaining (even though they have lord and triton), KI will change the bolt back to its original state. If they do, I hope they will require more pips. It takes the other schools building up pips to do any damage too.

What you fail to incorporate into your equation is the accuracy of wildbolt. Although it does have a high hit rate, prior to the change, it had a very low chance of actually casting. If you were going to compare that to judgement, than you must consider that judgement has a higher chance of casting than wildbolt. Thus, wild bolt is as equal to judgement. Judgement has a greater chance with increase pips hitting the same amount of damage as wildbolt has with it's low point of accuracy.

I know many people that played PVP, complained about it, but it was a fair spell, because you never knew when it would hit and if it would. I think it should be changed back to the way it was. It is no use to storm players the way it is now.

Aug 21, 2010
tas95 wrote:

4. Yes storm fizzles the most, but storm gets the most accuracy boosts and with an accuracy boost of 20% or below the new bolt has better chances of 1000. So not only does storm get way better accuracy toward grand, but also storm has the most power.

Ok this really annoys me, yes we do got some accuracy boosts but we pay for this by having lower life, mana, resist, and power pip chance, and our accuracy is only 20% extra. So having 70% accuracy is a handicap for storm whatever level you are.

tas95 wrote:

5. Balance between schools is most important and with the new bolt you say the balance is off, but with the old bolt what other school could inflict 0ver 1,000 damage in about 1 to 2 turns? This seems quite unfair to me. You gave an example of how Judge can be amazingly strong, yell I'm not denying that, but it takes a long time to blade and trap and after the attack you must heal and go on defense because you have been attacked and before the attack you can't heal because you would lose pips and prolong your attack.

I have a grandmaster balance and my problem is not people attacking me, balance has plenty shields, as long as your opponent doesn't have tower shield then you are almost certain to win.

Another note people say that storm hits much higher, lets check if thats true -
Death - Skeletal Dragon only hits 20 less than leviathan and it can be shielded.
Fire - Efreet hits 990 and puts on a -90% charm.
Balance - Max pip judgement hits 1400 (quite a bit higher than any storm spell)
Myth - Has two spell that hit about 700 - one cant be shielded with one shield and one stuns for two turns!
Life - to be honest life doesnt really have any high hitting spells, and I rarely meet life legendary in 1v1 pvp.
Ice - Ice is supposed to hit the lowest, especially with 3800 life at level 60, and 37% resist to everything, but no apart from X-pip spells, snow angel hits higher than any spell, about 800 x 4 = 3200

But on a positive note - I am no longer unhappy with the wild bolt, as it removes shield and can be a killer!

Jul 03, 2009
Sigh....I have scanned through many of the posts on this thread and I wanted to add my "civilized" 2 cents.

Simply put, for me, changing wild bolt to its current state has made the game less fun. I enjoyed keeping track of how often it would actually go since it usually fizzled. With my current storm wiz in celestia I have it in deck but barely ever use it. The fun of storm is being able to deliver mega hits to enemies; it is the main thing that makes up for dying often if pips or luck are not in your favor. I have a legendary ice and life, a grandmaster balance, and lower level death and fire wizards but I love the punishment that my storm wizard can bring.

Other MMOGs have suffered when they kowtow to the wishes of the PVP group--please be careful KI in how you proceed.

Jul 22, 2010
I agree that you shouldn't have changed Wild Bolt. A lot of us have been playing for a while and most of us like the game how it is. Of course maybe it's a little unfair but that's the reputation for the School of Storm. Besides we have a slim 33% chance of casting it. Please the wizard players have spoken and the majority wants the original strike. Consider changing it or some people might get angry and quit Wizard 101.

Dec 26, 2010
I'm a pyromancer on my main wizard and I even don't like the change. Storm is supposed to have HIGH damage with HIGH chances. As long as Wild Bolt isn't given out too early I think you should bring back the Old Wild Bolt!

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Well guess what darthjt all I've been hearing from you storm people is WAH! WAH! Our chances of hitting 1000 is lower! Well.. If you look on this same post I have provided the math to prove that wrong. The other arguement is that it wastes 2 whole pips. Oh wow 2 pips thats just the power pip you get at the begining of a battle!

I'm not darthjt, but I will reply.

You have failed to take two other consequences into account. As it now stands, a non-fizzling Wild Bolt will use up two pips, plus take up a round of play, plus remove any blades or traps the storm wizard has cast. For this price, 2 out of 3 times, it will not have hit hard enough to kill the monster. Furthermore, because of the wasted blades and/or traps, a non-fizzling Wild Bolt is 66% likely to make 1-2 additional rounds of battle necessary.

Why that matters is because storm has low health. Extremely low health. The best health I've been able to squeak out for my Grandmaster Diviner (as of level 58 ) is 2200. Compare that to my Ice, Life and Balance wizards, who all had 3000 health at level 50 !

Especially in Celestia, a storm wizard can be obliterated in just 2-3 rounds because each monster hits for 500-1500 damage. Wasting pips on a low hit extends the amount of time that it will take to gather pips for a high level spell that will work (we need at least 5-8 ). Replacing a wasted blade and/or trap takes two more rounds. This is time that a Storm wizard can't afford to waste.

Now, let's do the battle sequence a Storm wizard may face in DS or Celestia.

Battle begins with 4 pips
Round one: blade + 2 pips if you're lucky. Total = 6 pips
Round two: trap or additional blade (may use up a pip) + 2 pips if you're lucky, otherwise, +1 pip. Total = 6-8 pips.
Round three: (You will likely be hit for between 500-1500 damage at this point, leaving you with between 700-1700 health.) You use the Wild Bolt.
It hits for 100, taking down the blade and trap and only damaging the monster about 250 (out of over 1000 in most cases in Dragonspyre and Celestia) Total pips remaining = 5-8.

But, you're out a blade and a trap. In order to actually kill the monster, you need the blade and trap or your next spell may not do enough damage to kill.

Add two more rounds to restore them.

Now your pips may be up to 7-10. However, by this time you have been hit again with 500-1500 damage. You're either dead or barely breathing.

We've said it many times: a Storm wizard's only chance is to hit hard and fast, before we take damage ourselves.

I have played many schools and each has their advantages and strategies. The stategy Diviners use is lightening blasts with incredible power-quick!-before the enemy can hit us. We can't waste time with low-level spells that don't take out the enemy ASAP. So the Wild Bolt, which before had a strategic value despite the high likelihood of fizzling, now becomes a danger to use.

I agree that there was a problem with Wild Bolt in PvP. I just don't think KI fixed that particular issue for a small subset of players in a way that is reasonable or fair to the majority of Diviners who do NOT PvP.

Sierra StormCaller
Grandmaster Diviner (level 58 )

Dec 21, 2008
darthjt wrote:
minigiant9 wrote:
darthjt wrote:
tas95 wrote:
darthjt wrote:

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

Here are some ridiculous arguments that I've seen so far:

The chances of hitting 1000 is lower
Well guess what it's actually higher. Watch, you have a 1/3 chance to get 1000 and the BASE accuracy is 70%, so 70 x .33 = 23.1%. The change now gives storm people a 23.1% chance instead of 10% for 1000. Also with the accuracy boost from clothing you chances go up.

This is what you call Math? You are joking right? Pulling my leg?
Ok, by Your Math Standards! 23.1% chance of hitting a 1000 right? so, that is so much better than 10% chance eh? While that sounds reasonable, is it? 2/3 of the time, you will waste 2 pips dealing 10 or 100 damage, that is even saying, that this DOES actually hit 1000 1/3 of the time, which, for some reason, everyone assumes it does, except those that have actually tried the new wild bolt and calculated the figures. But that is neither here nor there. So, 3/23.1 is less than 10% is it not? Because you have to consider the wasted time when hitting, because you are also not building up pips for Triton, Stormzilla, Tempest, or Leviathan! Also, you are taking away any possible strategy with the use of wild bolt, because you will no longer blade, or trap when using wild bolt now. Did you figure that into your equation? Of course you didn't, you are too simple minded!

"It's like taking Judge and making it worse"
Well Judge already isn't amazing! Judge I'm not denying Judge already isn't a life saver, but it's costly because while you wait for pips you are just letting your opponent attack you.

Hmm, let me think, Judgment! Wow, you really made such a case for yourself here. Why did you post a rebuttle to me? To give me a laugh? Ok, Storm! There is a 70%, 80%, 85%, and a 90% shield for storm. Storm does not have many DOT spells, now do they? Hence, why wild bolt was a good spell to have, in old form! Now, Judgement, hmm start out with 500 damage off the bat, plus 45% damage boost off the bat. Add in 2 feints, that adds 70% and 75%, and even one Balance Blade, so, in 3 turns, Judgment can do 4583 damage, of which, the main defenses are tower shield 50%, tower shield 55%, and weakness. How many of those do you suppose your enemy will throw at you in 3 rounds? Say 1? maybe 2? so, you might be down to around 2000 damage doubt they will have both shields and both ready for a fast attack! Wait, what was your rebuttle again?

" Not one person who likes the new bolt has given a good reason"- darthjt
Well guess what darthjt all I've been hearing from you storm people is WAH! WAH! Our chances of hitting 1000 is lower! Well.. If you look on this same post I have provided the math to prove that wrong. The other arguement is that it wastes 2 whole pips. Oh wow 2 pips thats just the power pip you get at the begining of a battle!

I am not saying WAH! WAH! I am simply showing the error in the new Wild Bolt. I can also show how it is more powerful than the old Wild Bolt and that at least with the old Wild Bolt, you had a chance to fizzle, but I am sure your little grasp of knowledge would not understand. If you think you can, by all means, see my other posts on wild bolt!

I am calling you out darthjt and I want you to come up with a legit arguement that isn't about the "horrible" percentages or how it wastes a power pip. Anyone who knows darthjt tell him to read this because I'd love to hear what he comes up with.

I for one, have given many and several reasons why the old wild bolt is better and more useful and less powerful than the New Wild Bolt. I have given mathmatical figures and facts. Addressed every issue and point. What I still have not heard, not even by you, is a factual reason that supports the new Wild Bolt!

Think about what you say before you say it, I hate to reply to foolishness!

Speaking of foolishness, have you bothered to read my thoughts on the subject? (It's on page 14 to save you time.) Either you haven't or your just trying to ignore the many points I put up on how it hasn't really changed much at all. I'm not saying that what KI did was 100% right (it seems they "fizzled" by the looks of it haha :D), but there is a legitimate reason to quickly realize that wild bolt hasn't changed all that much.

Wild bolt basically did this (and this is what i see people complaining about!):
Old bolt: 10% accuracy with guaranteed 1000 damage.
New Bolt: 70% accuracy and (according to what the people on the board here came up with) is around 20-25% maybe less to hit that 1000 and a small pip gamble. I gotta agree with the people who think 2 pips isnt that much.

The spell is still all about LUCK. Plain and simple. What you people are yelling at KI about is the simple matter that it requires even more luck than it required to begin with.

This whole thing to me sounds like someone saying "Boo Hoo, I lost the lottery! It's not fair!"

Now, can we all just end this attacking other posters?? I don't think KI is even reading half this stuff anhymore because it is just people arguing attacking people about which is better (which they could have saved KI some time by putting it in another part of the board!).

Seriously boys and girls, can we just end this now? The arguing falls out of the "Civil" part of this board that was supposed to be there in the first place.

Ryan Frostshard - Legend of the Ice Arts

Ah yes, I read your post and no, there was no point in replying to your post. You are out of your realm and have no bearing on this discussion. You have no business posting, because you have no idea how to play this game.

Case in Point - You are in awe of 10000 damage!

I also have a couple Ice Wizards, and I do over 30000 damage quite frequently without a critical, with colossus or frost giant. Also, I do this without, Balance, Death, or anyone else boosting me. I can do that much damage on my own.

Now, you also want to comment when you have snow angel? A DOT Spell that hits all! You know, with my Snow angel, with Blades alone, I can do 2000 damage to start and 2200 a round, without critical. Shield that! Now, What DOT spell does storm get? Oh, that's right, it doesn't. So, what business do you have to say anything?

Your Evil Snowman can do 690 damage off the bat! You have 3600 health at Legendary, you have a 37% resist all, and you want to say anything about storm and it's abilities?

Now, make a point, because so far all you have said is mindless gibberish!

First off I have EVERY RIGHT TO POST ON HERE. I do NOT see a sign that said "Storm Wizards Only" when I looked at this.
Second, You seem to have a problem with everyone elses view but your own. EVERY post you made has been stating your view and then FLAMING the person whom your are quoting (which now in this case is ME! ((what are the odds of that lol)) and saying they are WRONG WRONG WRONG and you are RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT.

My point is 2 simple things. And I will say them in easy words so you don't get confused here.

1: This was based on give and take (as I stated in my previous post mind you!) you gotta give something to get something in this world today.
Storm gave up a direct 1000 damage wild bolt for that nice little Leviathan that mind you hits 1000+ damage anyhow but for more pips.

2: Was the Wild Bolt spell not all about LUCK!? "Oh but now I have to RISK 2 PIPS!" .......2 pips.....really? oh how will you bare without 2 whole pips....unless your under level 10 I seriously doubt 2 pips should make a huge difference.

I don't like having to get hostile with others but you sir (or madam as i don't know you) do not seem to understand anything but hostility as that is all you seem to use. To all the other wizards on these boards, Keep showing your thoughts to KI WITHOUT FLAMING. It makes these boards so much more enjoyable.

Ryan FrostShard - Legend of the Ice Arts

Apr 17, 2009
i hated wild bolt thats that. i never had a storm with it. i was always on the recieving side. but the way you changed it to is ridiculous. am i gonna argue no. am i gonna give a suggestion yes. change it to 30% accuracy with 500 damage and a 10% chance of doing 250 every round for 3 rounds just a suggestion.

May 03, 2009
Pyrsik wrote:
You have simply neutered the spell. There is no strategic value to it anymore. I see no reason why anyone would include it in their deck. Why would anyone want to use a spell that will hit roughly 2/3 of the time,and if it does it, you have a 1/3 chance of a good hit? In my opinion, you have taken out the "wild" and replaced it with useless. :?

Exactly! Completely Agreed!

May 03, 2009
matvince90 wrote:
Well, I am aware of the fact that you at KI to treks through W101Central's forums often. There were many ideas offered there.

The idea that made the most sense to me was to lock it at 10% no matter what. It solves the problem of Wild Bolt becoming too accurate, and solves the risk if me wasting blades and traps on a spell that does 10, or 100 base damage.

In essence, it makes everyone happy. Simply make Bolt Unenchantable!!!

It is the smartest move to make and i might make a new storm wizard then.
i deleted it after wild bolt became useless. Think about that KI! Please change this! I want to be storm but i will refuse until it is changed! Thanks,

Grandmaster Theurgist [now since the change i've been working on her]
Wizard Kelly SoulBlossom Level 55.

May 03, 2009
demonic47 wrote:
yes it fizzled a lot in the old version but when i needed it it always came through for me. now its not worth the time. Please put it back the way it was

AGREED! thx, Kelly soulblossom lvl 55 grand wiz.

Jun 23, 2009
you say that leviathan is better, and even though it is 8 pips i still agree because that is when you can stack traps. However, you dont get levi until level fifty eight.
quote=minigiant9]Ok gonna start off with this right now. I am NOT a storm wizard. I am a faithful user of the ice school and use storm as a secondary school. I do notice that storm has some very powerful spells. We Can easily see that leviathan (which has a base power of 1035 PLUS taking away 2 charms from the target) Is extremely POWERFUL if used correctly. I have seen leviathan hit over 10000 damage easily with a balanced team using their skills in a combined effort. This damage is WITHOUT A CRITICAL. I repeat WITHOUT A CRITICAL. Since storm users mainly are complaining about the "loss" of their "hardest hitting spell" it seems they arent looking at the point. Did you really lose your most powerful spell? Or did they replace it with something that has a 70% chance to hit guarantees 1035 damage and takes 2 charms from your enemy all at once? And this is without any enhancements of any kind. Yes it takes 8 pips to use but isn't that a time to add traps, blades and other charms to yourself to make leviathan an extremely potent spell? I may not have used wild bolt often but generally it doesnt work. I understood the fair points in 10% with a chance to hit 1000 damage and, The change made to this spell makes a little sense when you think about it. This spell required luck to begin with and people didnt complain much, so why are people complaing when its still the same principal? (The principal being this: you need SOME SERIOUS LUCK to hit that 1000 damage. It's just like getting 3 7's on a slot machine but this works alot more often as shown by some players testing this new spell modification..)

Think of this for a second if you will: how many people do you think would be complaining (not counting the storm wizards because i'm 99% sure they wouldnt say a word about it) have not one but TWO spells that can hit 1000 base damage. I'm betting my account here KI would have herd about it for sure. So the way i see this, people were gonna complain either way. It was just picking the lesser of two evils and taking the hit (in this case a "weakened" wild bolt.) Basically this is my point. at a lower level you need to have a bit more luck to cast a super high damaging spell. While later on in the game when you have had time to refine your powers of the storm arts you can deal that same base damage ALOT more often.

Quick Summation: This update to wild bolt was based on a give and take basis. In order to gain something (Leviathan 1035 base damage hitting 70% of the time AND taking 2 charms away.) they had to take something away. (This being wild bolts hitting 1000 damage guaranteed to making it less likely to hit that 1000 damage.)

If anyone needs any elaboration to my thoughts please respond. I do like storm wizards and so do the members of KI, so please, don't go harping at me for speaking my mind. And also from a few of the posts professor greyrose has put up about profanity on these boards I do have to help my professor out in some way don't I? I hope for some of those who didn't like the "robotic responses" (yes I have read EVERY page of this message board). That you take a look at this and put this into perspective.

Ryan Frostshard - Level 60 Legend of the Ice Arts

Aug 04, 2009
me and my friend have not liked the changes to wild bolt especially my friend because he is storm even though i am fire i still have not liked it and i have not seen that spell much since that change and i think it is because people have been taking out of there decks and there is such a low chance that it will even do 1000 damage.8) 8) javascript:emoticon('8)'); javascript:emoticon('');