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Changes to Wild Bolt Spell - a Civilized Chat

Aug 02, 2009
Well that would still not be fair storm has lowest health storms would get to negative rank easily, no chance against ice with their health that now can be over 4000 health! Storms high power moves are their only adavntage. Legendary storm David Angleshade.

Aug 02, 2009
Well your already a warlord doesn't really matter to you, you won't have to use it. Also why waste 2 pips on 10 or 100 damage it rarely hits 1000. A wand attack could do more. And btw you spelled wild bolt wrong you put wilf bolt.

Aug 02, 2009
Well you don't have to waste 2 of your pips for 100 damage or even 10 damage its really a waste of pips now and truly it doesn't have 33.3% precent i used wild bolt 10 times 5 times 10 damage 3 times 100 damage and 2 times 1000 damage. Legendary level 60 storm David Angleshade.

May 18, 2010
Professor Greyrose wrote:
We've listened to our community, done internal balance testing and had exhaustive discussions about the spell Wild Bolt, and have change the Wild Bolt spell based on this research.

Wild Bolt will now have 70% accuracy and do 10, 100, or 1000 damage.

We will continue to monitor how this impacts the balance of the game, as well as listen to all players feedback.

We ask that you take some time to play with this version of Wild Bolt before jumping to conclusions. It's truly a Wild Bolt now!

All posts regarding this change MUST go in this thread, other posts will not be approved. Let's keep it civilized, constructive and creative please.
I have been playing with a storm player and i was looking forward to be able use it later on, but now i have nothing to look forward to.KI please dont change your game because of complainers.

Dec 12, 2009
i hate the wild bolt spell so there

hunter skullthief: lvl 45 pyromancer
tarlac goldenpyre lvl 32 storm

Dec 12, 2009
i reccomend being anyting exept storm

hunter skullthief level 45 fire
tarlac goldenpyre lvl 34 storm
jack bluecoin lvl 60 balance

Mar 15, 2009
wild bolt is a a wast of a spell,But hey the PvPers wanted it that way so they got it.

M.RedBlood death school

Aug 07, 2009
darthjt wrote:
Professor Greyrose wrote:
Thank you all for the feedback, we are listening!

For those of you who are wondering where your posts went, swearing at us is not only going to result in your post being rejected, but you may find yourself expelled from Wizard101.

Please keep this civilized.

Anyway, let me ask this, how many people need to complain, quit, sign a petition, or do something drastic to get the spell back to its original state? Will it matter what we say or do? You say you are listening, but so far, almost everyone hates what you have done to Wild Bolt.

Here are the reasons. 1: You waste 2 pips on a supposed 33% chance at 1000 damage ( and like Elemental Blast, usually you get ice, the lowest )

2:You can use wand and get more damage without the use of pips.
3:Storm has low health to begin with, so we have to hit hard and fast to even have a chance!
4:We fizzle the most, so, if we can, use spells, and enchantments to get a spell to work 70, 80, 90, and even 100% of the time, which would take a lot of other casting and costs, would we not then earn that right?
5:We are trying to keep all the schools in balance, yet, this clearly takes a great spell from storm. Yet, we are now giving Ice an amulet that gives a +45 attack blade, plus you can have pet with DragonBlade, Plus other enchantments, to make their attacks very very powerful, plus they can steal your shields, have lots of tower shields, and have resistance to all magic. Meanwhile, Balance, there is only tower shield that will protect you, and that is an ice spell, unless you buy them, and at most we can only get 5, unless you buy them, they have 125 per pip judgement spell, plus blades, hex, add feints in, and without shields or dispel, your done for, especially with low health. So, we are trying to keep the playing field even, right?

Does any other school have a spell that wastes pips? why should storms?

Either make the spell have a 0 pip cost, which would then be fair, or make it be 200 or 1000 damage a 50/50 chance, that way, it would be fair.

Now you said schools that waste pips spells. THERE IS A BUNCH. For myth it is probably the minions. They rarely use them unless they are a low level. Life is dryad because we are 'expected' to heal people even when we don't want to. So when we have to boom all the pips we save down the drain. Also with death, animate. Useless minion unless it close to max pips. (or max). Those are just a few. I could pick out the weaknesses in all the other classes if you want.

May 17, 2009
NightWa1ker wrote:
darthjt wrote:
Professor Greyrose wrote:
Thank you all for the feedback, we are listening!

For those of you who are wondering where your posts went, swearing at us is not only going to result in your post being rejected, but you may find yourself expelled from Wizard101.

Please keep this civilized.

Anyway, let me ask this, how many people need to complain, quit, sign a petition, or do something drastic to get the spell back to its original state? Will it matter what we say or do? You say you are listening, but so far, almost everyone hates what you have done to Wild Bolt.

Here are the reasons. 1: You waste 2 pips on a supposed 33% chance at 1000 damage ( and like Elemental Blast, usually you get ice, the lowest )

2:You can use wand and get more damage without the use of pips.
3:Storm has low health to begin with, so we have to hit hard and fast to even have a chance!
4:We fizzle the most, so, if we can, use spells, and enchantments to get a spell to work 70, 80, 90, and even 100% of the time, which would take a lot of other casting and costs, would we not then earn that right?
5:We are trying to keep all the schools in balance, yet, this clearly takes a great spell from storm. Yet, we are now giving Ice an amulet that gives a +45 attack blade, plus you can have pet with DragonBlade, Plus other enchantments, to make their attacks very very powerful, plus they can steal your shields, have lots of tower shields, and have resistance to all magic. Meanwhile, Balance, there is only tower shield that will protect you, and that is an ice spell, unless you buy them, and at most we can only get 5, unless you buy them, they have 125 per pip judgement spell, plus blades, hex, add feints in, and without shields or dispel, your done for, especially with low health. So, we are trying to keep the playing field even, right?

Does any other school have a spell that wastes pips? why should storms?

Either make the spell have a 0 pip cost, which would then be fair, or make it be 200 or 1000 damage a 50/50 chance, that way, it would be fair.

Now you said schools that waste pips spells. THERE IS A BUNCH. For myth it is probably the minions. They rarely use them unless they are a low level. Life is dryad because we are 'expected' to heal people even when we don't want to. So when we have to boom all the pips we save down the drain. Also with death, animate. Useless minion unless it close to max pips. (or max). Those are just a few. I could pick out the weaknesses in all the other classes if you want.

Animate is totally not useless, no matter how many pips you have. It can shield, trap, attack, and taunt easily.

Dec 21, 2008
Ok gonna start off with this right now. I am NOT a storm wizard. I am a faithful user of the ice school and use storm as a secondary school. I do notice that storm has some very powerful spells. We Can easily see that leviathan (which has a base power of 1035 PLUS taking away 2 charms from the target) Is extremely POWERFUL if used correctly. I have seen leviathan hit over 10000 damage easily with a balanced team using their skills in a combined effort. This damage is WITHOUT A CRITICAL. I repeat WITHOUT A CRITICAL. Since storm users mainly are complaining about the "loss" of their "hardest hitting spell" it seems they arent looking at the point. Did you really lose your most powerful spell? Or did they replace it with something that has a 70% chance to hit guarantees 1035 damage and takes 2 charms from your enemy all at once? And this is without any enhancements of any kind. Yes it takes 8 pips to use but isn't that a time to add traps, blades and other charms to yourself to make leviathan an extremely potent spell? I may not have used wild bolt often but generally it doesnt work. I understood the fair points in 10% with a chance to hit 1000 damage and, The change made to this spell makes a little sense when you think about it. This spell required luck to begin with and people didnt complain much, so why are people complaing when its still the same principal? (The principal being this: you need SOME SERIOUS LUCK to hit that 1000 damage. It's just like getting 3 7's on a slot machine but this works alot more often as shown by some players testing this new spell modification..)

Think of this for a second if you will: how many people do you think would be complaining (not counting the storm wizards because i'm 99% sure they wouldnt say a word about it) have not one but TWO spells that can hit 1000 base damage. I'm betting my account here KI would have herd about it for sure. So the way i see this, people were gonna complain either way. It was just picking the lesser of two evils and taking the hit (in this case a "weakened" wild bolt.) Basically this is my point. at a lower level you need to have a bit more luck to cast a super high damaging spell. While later on in the game when you have had time to refine your powers of the storm arts you can deal that same base damage ALOT more often.

Quick Summation: This update to wild bolt was based on a give and take basis. In order to gain something (Leviathan 1035 base damage hitting 70% of the time AND taking 2 charms away.) they had to take something away. (This being wild bolts hitting 1000 damage guaranteed to making it less likely to hit that 1000 damage.)

If anyone needs any elaboration to my thoughts please respond. I do like storm wizards and so do the members of KI, so please, don't go harping at me for speaking my mind. And also from a few of the posts professor greyrose has put up about profanity on these boards I do have to help my professor out in some way don't I? I hope for some of those who didn't like the "robotic responses" (yes I have read EVERY page of this message board). That you take a look at this and put this into perspective.

Ryan Frostshard - Level 60 Legend of the Ice Arts

May 10, 2010
You know, it's funny to me, that not One person, that likes the new bolt, has given an actual reason. So far, the few that do like the new wild bolt, seem to be a few cards short of a partial deck.

One person, has given a half way descent argument, on how the old wild bolt is broken, but has agreed that the new wild bolt is just as broken.

Now, I have heard the many reasons why the change to wild bolt is unfair, unjust, and wrong. Yet, I have not heard one good reason from anyone how or why it is a good change!

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

Oct 16, 2010
I have seen many storm wizards use the wild bolt spell on me. But i still dont die. mostly because i am a life wizard. And the same thing is happening to the new wild bolt spell. And also, i think that you should change the spell centaur to a lvl 31 because the life wizards like me are getting our spells way to slow.


Elijah spirit breaker and nathaniel on same account.

Elijah- lvl30 life
Natheniel-n lvl 16 balance

Jan 24, 2010
darthjt wrote:

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

The only reason I appreciate the change to Wild Bolt is that it got to be a big drag to die in the first round of a ranked PvP match. Personally, I think it should have just been banned from PvP use and left alone for PvE play.

I do hope that my reply is coherent enough to meet your standards.

Iridian Shadowweaver, Theurgist, level 58
Rowan Earthsong, Sorceress, level 52
Scarlet Ravensong, Pyromancer, level 51

Mar 14, 2010
darthjt wrote:
You know, it's funny to me, that not One person, that likes the new bolt, has given an actual reason. So far, the few that do like the new wild bolt, seem to be a few cards short of a partial deck.

One person, has given a half way descent argument, on how the old wild bolt is broken, but has agreed that the new wild bolt is just as broken.

Now, I have heard the many reasons why the change to wild bolt is unfair, unjust, and wrong. Yet, I have not heard one good reason from anyone how or why it is a good change!

So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Don't give me, because it don't kills me no more.
Think of something and be coherent please!

Ok gonna start off with this right now. I am NOT a storm wizard. I am a faithful user of the ice school and use storm as a secondary school. I do notice that storm has some very powerful spells. We Can easily see that leviathan (which has a base power of 1035 PLUS taking away 2 charms from the target) Is extremely POWERFUL if used correctly. I have seen leviathan hit over 10000 damage easily with a balanced team using their skills in a combined effort. This damage is WITHOUT A CRITICAL. I repeat WITHOUT A CRITICAL. Since storm users mainly are complaining about the "loss" of their "hardest hitting spell" it seems they arent looking at the point. Did you really lose your most powerful spell? Or did they replace it with something that has a 70% chance to hit guarantees 1035 damage and takes 2 charms from your enemy all at once? And this is without any enhancements of any kind. Yes it takes 8 pips to use but isn't that a time to add traps, blades and other charms to yourself to make leviathan an extremely potent spell? I may not have used wild bolt often but generally it doesnt work. I understood the fair points in 10% with a chance to hit 1000 damage and, The change made to this spell makes a little sense when you think about it. This spell required luck to begin with and people didnt complain much, so why are people complaing when its still the same principal? (The principal being this: you need SOME SERIOUS LUCK to hit that 1000 damage. It's just like getting 3 7's on a slot machine but this works alot more often as shown by some players testing this new spell modification..)

Think of this for a second if you will: how many people do you think would be complaining (not counting the storm wizards because i'm 99% sure they wouldnt say a word about it) have not one but TWO spells that can hit 1000 base damage. I'm betting my account here KI would have herd about it for sure. So the way i see this, people were gonna complain either way. It was just picking the lesser of two evils and taking the hit (in this case a "weakened" wild bolt.) Basically this is my point. at a lower level you need to have a bit more luck to cast a super high damaging spell. While later on in the game when you have had time to refine your powers of the storm arts you can deal that same base damage ALOT more often.

Quick Summation: This update to wild bolt was based on a give and take basis. In order to gain something (Leviathan 1035 base damage hitting 70% of the time AND taking 2 charms away.) they had to take something away. (This being wild bolts hitting 1000 damage guaranteed to making it less likely to hit that 1000 damage.)

If anyone needs any elaboration to my thoughts please respond. I do like storm wizards and so do the members of KI, so please, don't go harping at me for speaking my mind. And also from a few of the posts professor greyrose has put up about profanity on these boards I do have to help my professor out in some way don't I? I hope for some of those who didn't like the "robotic responses" (yes I have read EVERY page of this message board). That you take a look at this and put this into perspective.

Ryan Frostshard - Level 60 Legend of the Ice Arts

Dear KI,
I know that you'll read this so i addressed this to you:
As you can see, lots of people are yelling and screaming about these changes, hollering that all things should go back to the way they were, not even giving real arguments. They are partly right in their anger, but we need to step back, calm down a little and look at the situation. Now I'm not saying that every one is crazy mad and their arguements are invalid. I included some of the more sane ones that I found. Neither do I want to hear someone challenge my opinion later because they think I "don't know what they're going through in PvP", because I do. Quite frequently as well, as my storm is already a veteran.

Wild Bolt: I started the game as a fire but recently switched to storm looking for better things. One of the spells I was looking forward to was wild bolt. Unfortunately I found out that wild bolt had been changed, to the point at which it was useless. Now, let's step back and think about this without my storm bias. Wild bolt was being used mercilessly in PvP as a way for storms to become warlords fast. But not every storm was doing it! Only a fraction of the population. In fact non-bolting storms disliked the bolting storms because they were making a bad name for the school. Now look what they've done. There is no reason that all of Storm should be "punished" here. A way to fix this would be to allow players to report others for unsportsmanlike conduct (aka allow excessive wild bolt usage to be in that category) but really, doesn't that sound silly? All players need to do is learn how to get around that spell. One tower would break its 1,000 damage in half. Another thing you could do is make it worth more pips... after all Leviathan (1,035 damage i believe) is eight.

Unbalance: I play with my family and my "real-life" friends and we have multiple balance people in our ranks. Now I've asked them and they like unbalance. It makes them "feel more included, since balance seems to always be the odd man out. Kinda like a two headed snake. We're extraordinarily dangerous but we're different. We don't have shields or actual balance traps!" See, the unbalance doesn't have to be used just for PvP, but PvE as well. Just let this one play out and see how it goes. This might just make up for the lack of Balance shields.

Polymorph Treasures: Alright, now this is one of the better decisions made with the update. I understand that polymorphs were useful treasure cards but people did use them (just like wild bolt) too much, just so they could win. It was unfair in PvP. I understand that they were useful in PvE but all you need to do is train in moon school, or bring someone along who is.

Two Pip Wands: In what sound argument was this change based on? Who cares how many pips a wand gives? If you don't like it, get one yourself. That's all there is to it.

Elixers & Henchmen: This is another needless argument. Please tell us who cares about this? It's unfair and that's that. If you don't like it, as another poster said, don't do PvP.

Thank you for reading this (hopefully), I'd love replies. Please, this is a Civilized chat-stop harassing KI, all they want to do it make our playing time better. Hopefully, we will find a middle ground here. Sorry for such a long post.

Tavia Lionflower (Level 56 fire, private)
Julia Lionflower (Level 30 storm, veteran)

Dec 21, 2008
darthjt wrote:
So, to all you New Bolt Lovers, put on your thinking caps, because here is my challenge to you, give one legitamate reason that bolt was changed for the better!

Like I stated above I can't say it was changed for the better but for something "better" (this is touchy) this, being leviathan. It's still all about luck when it comes to hitting that 1000 damage shot, just people seem to be irritated by how much less often it is hitting that 1000 damage.

Sep 26, 2010
I think the changes were excellent, after all it did upset the balnce of the game making people to strong. I remember one time when i was in the areana and a guy on my team used the wild bolt two times in a row and killed TWO LEVEL FIFTY PEOPLE in the first two rounds it did 2,500 damage! no enchaments, or shields (At least he was on my team )

Apr 09, 2009
I think you should keep the wild bolt the way it was, it was fine then, fine now.

Feb 14, 2009
I personally believe that the changes are not rashional. Sorry Kingsisle, no offense to you guys meant at all. You guys rock. But As everyone is saying, It is sort of well, useless now. Unless by some teenie weenie chance it hits 1000 hit points. I hope you guys take this to heart and change wild bolt. Thanks!

Christina Shadowheart

Oct 05, 2010
Zzatdragon wrote:
Professor Greyrose wrote:
We've listened to our community, done internal balance testing and had exhaustive discussions about the spell Wild Bolt, and have change the Wild Bolt spell based on this research.

Wild Bolt will now have 70% accuracy and do 10, 100, or 1000 damage.

We will continue to monitor how this impacts the balance of the game, as well as listen to all players feedback.

We ask that you take some time to play with this version of Wild Bolt before jumping to conclusions. It's truly a Wild Bolt now!

All posts regarding this change MUST go in this thread, other posts will not be approved. Let's keep it civilized, constructive and creative please.

you did not listen to the community, because 62% of it HATED the change to wild bolt.
why use wild bolt even a 10 year old can see it a waste.
whats next judgement,lets take that one away from us to,and all the other spells that people (PvPers) cry about because they dont like them.

this is a civilized post,a constructive one,you guys got the creative covered with how you changed the definition to suit your needs and not the players.

how sad

im a 9 year old and i see why this is a terrible desision. first of all, if you take into account that when it hits 10, its just as uselells as a fizzle (i mean would sombody really use a storm spell to finish of a boss with 6 Hp left?). so that brings the accuracy down to about 48% (im assuming that theres an equal chance of it hiting 10, 100, or 1000, and i calcueted that using this fourmula, 70 - ( 70/3) = 47 2/3, or accuracy -( accuracy/chance of 10 damage to hit when the spell does not fizzle) = answer ) so now the stats of the card are 48% accurcy and it does 100 or 1000 damage. and if your going to say that thats what keen eyes is for, then take this into account, no matter what you do, theres always going to be that leftover peice when it hits 10 beacause the system wont regesiter it. and also, 2 pips. Really? for that much potentiol damage. your kiding me with that. i understand its storm but really? ridiculas!

Heather Wildflame lvl 17 pyro

Dec 16, 2010
Well, I have kind of... mixed opinions on the new Wind Bolt Spell. I haven't been playing for long so obviously I don't have much experience with the Wind Bolt spell. My main is a Storm Wizard so I'm quite interested in where this spell will go. I don't really like the idea that 2 pips could eventually get you only 10 Damage. But, I've looked at the old Wind Bolt card and mathmetically your chances of hitting a 1,000 are actually improved.

Dec 21, 2008
Draco0209 wrote:
AlecVolterra wrote:
With a 30% accuracy increase to the spell, the MAX % someone can get on the 1000 hit is about 33%, this is a major improvement. For now with all the accuracy boosts, the old bolt could have 80%, this is WORSE then judgement, earthquake, chain stunning, tower shields, constant healing, etc. anything you can think of ALL COMBINED. This would RUIN pvp if it stayed the same. You n
eed to think about other schools, not just storm.

Ths simple solution is to cap the accuracy,NOT make the spell worthless to storm.

Ummmmm....correct me if I am wrong here but....isn't the wild bolt technically capped? Yes you control if it succeeds to do ANY damage at all, but you have 0 control over how hard it hits. KI did set a cap if you think about it. What that cap is.......eh, it sounds like a major luck shot.

Part 1: easy part, getting the spell to hit. got tons of ways to do that. (I.E. sun school, storm accuracy increasement spell, guidance, your gear etc.)

Part 2: The part that is simply PURE luck. thats where all the hope is and it seems hope is for the hopeless with that spell haha.

May 03, 2010
Well, I believe this change is right all along. It's fair now where it wasn't. Why?

Let's compute the average damage Wild Bolt does.

10 + 100 + 1000 / 3 = 1110 / 3 = 370

Compare to Lightning Bats, which is the baseline 2 pip spell.
Lightning Bats does 245-285, which averages at 265.

Same accuracy.
Wild Bolt is still way more powerful than Lightning Bats, which is itself the most powerful 2-pip spell otherwise.

Wild Bolt does 370 / 2 = 185 damage on average per pip; this makes it the single most powerful spell in the game, in terms of raw power. Keep in mind that Judgment only does a hundred per pip, and Triton does around 140 per pip.

People are saying that this sucks because it does 10 at times, and it seems to me you all want it to do 1000 all the time. The problem is, well, every Fire Elf and Sandstorm want to do 1000 all the time, and that simply can't happen.

May 17, 2009
Mercury2421 wrote:
Well, I have kind of... mixed opinions on the new Wind Bolt Spell. I haven't been playing for long so obviously I don't have much experience with the Wind Bolt spell. My main is a Storm Wizard so I'm quite interested in where this spell will go. I don't really like the idea that 2 pips could eventually get you only 10 Damage. But, I've looked at the old Wind Bolt card and mathmetically your chances of hitting a 1,000 are actually improved.

No they aren't, if it was perfect math it would be, but it almost never hits 1000. and with the new equipment and a lightning strike the chances would be better.

May 10, 2010
enchantressTat wrote:
Well, I believe this change is right all along. It's fair now where it wasn't. Why?

Let's compute the average damage Wild Bolt does.

10 + 100 + 1000 / 3 = 1110 / 3 = 370

Compare to Lightning Bats, which is the baseline 2 pip spell.
Lightning Bats does 245-285, which averages at 265.

I hope, that you don't do math for a living, because you had better not quit your day job! First off, answer me this? Why would you post this message, you are not sounding intelligent at all, but show how inferrior your mathamatical equations are!

Do you even realize that what you just said, is that 1 out of 3 and at 70%, you will hit for more than Storm Bats? Not 1 for 10 and 1 for 100, which is a lot less than storm bats. Do you put that into any consideration? Yes, you then have the possibility of hitting 1000, but as in all the perecentages in this game, those chances are way off.

Same accuracy.
Wild Bolt is still way more powerful than Lightning Bats, which is itself the most powerful 2-pip spell otherwise.

Wild Bolt does 370 / 2 = 185 damage on average per pip; this makes it the single most powerful spell in the game, in terms of raw power. Keep in mind that Judgment only does a hundred per pip, and Triton does around 140 per pip.

Now, why would you go and bring judgement into this? Judgement, a spell that there is only a 50 or 55% shield against, whilst you can get up to a 90% storm shield. Please learn your facts before you post! Especially if you want to post equations and mathamatical figures!

People are saying that this sucks because it does 10 at times, and it seems to me you all want it to do 1000 all the time. The problem is, well, every Fire Elf and Sandstorm want to do 1000 all the time, and that simply can't happen.

Yes, I agree with y ou, people do want it to hit 1000 everytime. The old bolt used to, when it actually did hit. You could form a strategy and plan on when to use it and know that if it did hit, it would not waste your blades, traps, and feints. So, if you want to actually rebuke people, bring something better than gibberish!

Feb 07, 2010
Dear Professor Greyrose,
I believe that changing wild bolt is EXTREMELY unfair to us storm wizards. Wizard101 its self says, "Storm Wizards have the ability to unleash high amounts of damage from an early level, which is good, but they place too much emphasis on power, and therefore suffer in terms of accuracy," if this is the case then why would you weaken it and then highten its accuracy? Wild bolt used to do a damage of 1000 and have a accuracy rate of 10%. That is the perfect example of what a storm card should look like. Why would you change the whole point of a storm spell and the storm school? If you change wild bolt, then you might as well change all other cards which people complain about, such as Judgement and Heckhoud ( Which W101 made heckhound stronger) :x My points is, weaking the the effects of wild bolt is the wrong way to address the population of wizard101 that believe it to be too strong ( " Storm Wizards have the ability to unleash high amounts of damage from an early level," according to Wizard101) Taking away the strength of Wild Bolt and the Storm School takes away the main idea of the storm school. I believe that wild bolt should be changed back to its normal settings with damage of 1000 and accuracy of 10%. So what if there is equipment that helps with the accuracy problem, thats the point of having equipment.....to help. There is equipment that helps the ice school become stronger even though they are more for defending. I'm sure wizard101 has gotten a good amount of feedback by now screaming to you we dislike our new Wild Bolt. So, please change this back. It will help bring everything back into balance with our school.

P.S. Maybe you could just make Wild Bolt cost more pips, but not a unreasonable amount such as 7. Maybe 3, or 4.