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marleybone crafting quest

Jul 24, 2008
For the marleybone crafting quest i made the five rings and athames and it tells me to talk to the Felicia Worthington. When i walk up to talk to her she still has a grey question mark over her head and wont let me turn in my quest. Is anyone else having these problems?

Jul 24, 2008
Sorry i just realized it wouldnt let me turn it in because i sold some some of the rings. I bought them at the bazzar and it let me turn them in.

Jan 27, 2009
Make sure you have the five of each items in your backpack. I know I sold or otherwise lost one of them and had to make another to replace it to actually turn in the quest. :?

Jun 04, 2009
I'm having the same problem with the Marleybone crafting task. Just went to turn it in and the question mark is still greyed out.

Jun 09, 2009
Make sure you have all the rings and athames in your backpack when you talk to her. If you do and it still wont complete then your bugged.


Jun 25, 2009
coconutwrinkleteeth wrote:
For the marleybone crafting quest i made the five rings and athames and it tells me to talk to the Felicia Worthington. When i walk up to talk to her she still has a grey question mark over her head and wont let me turn in my quest. Is anyone else having these problems?

Do you have one of the rings or anthems equiped? If you are using one of them the system thinks that you are not finished because you have to turn over your creations and do not get them back.

Katherine Dawnsinger

Dec 23, 2008
It's very easy to accidentally offer up one of your crafted items to the proprietor of the Bazaar. I think I sold off several of my Scorpion knives and a Constellation Gem without realizing it.

So there I am at Felicia's corner, having finally finished my crafting assignment, but without the requisite 10 items.

Fear not though ... The same accident which caused you to lose your items also makes it simple to get it back -- albeit at a somewhat greater cost. Just go back to the Bazaar and see who else has accidentally sold their items.

Jun 29, 2009
KiansDad wrote:
It's very easy to accidentally offer up one of your crafted items to the proprietor of the Bazaar. .... Just go back to the Bazaar and see who else has accidentally sold their items.

I have a suggestion for the programmers for this very problem because I am sure that we have all done it. Just as with crown items of clothing, there should be a "are you sure" dialogue pop up stating that it is part of your craft project, along with a "craft" flag. Crafting is expensive and useless enough without adding this to the mix. OR, why the need to produce the items in order to complete the quest. Wasn't it enough to actually create them, like the counter on the quest shows?

Marleybone came to over $5,300 in parts and that doesn't include the recipe (or the price to buy back my items at the bizaar). Can't sell or give your items away to friends. Most items are NO TRADE and or NO AUCTION. Even worse, how many times have you ended up at the bazaar buying at inflated prices, the item you sold at distressed prices just so you can complete the project. What's the deal here, and WHERE IS THE CARROT?