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Could you relook at this?

Aug 19, 2008
Card crafting.

Since I can make my own cards anyway....I would only craft some to sell in the bazaar...so others could have them; only they are so costly to make and take so long to cool...well, it makes me not want to do it.

For what you get for selling them it really doesn't pay.

Is it possible you could relook at this?

Jan 27, 2009
Cynical wrote:
Card crafting.

Since I can make my own cards anyway....I would only craft some to sell in the bazaar...so others could have them; only they are so costly to make and take so long to cool...well, it makes me not want to do it.

For what you get for selling them it really doesn't pay.

Is it possible you could relook at this?

ya i was wondering about that, the only way it would be worth the trouble is if you could craft cards from other schools other that your own.