 February 2009
Welcome to the February 2009 Update Notes Page. What are Update Notes you ask? Every time we update Wizard101, we like to let our players know what changes have been made and what new additions have been given to the game. Update Notes explain those changes and updates.
This month, we celebrate our 1 millionth student with new ways to make friends, new ways to get help and more.
| | | | | | | One Millionth Student!
We have many updates to Wizard101 to talk about, so let's start with our celebration! Last month we exceeded one million players!
You can find out more, by visiting the new Fountain outside of Ambrose's house.
We wanted to thank all our students for helping spread the word about Wizard101 by giving you each 101 Crowns. That's right, each account gets 101 Crowns to celebrate with us, and we've created some special items for you to purchase with those 101 Crowns. Talk to Zeke in Olde Town to find out what wares he has for sale!
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| | | | | | True Friends Update
 Many of you have asked for an improvement to the True Friend system, and we're happy to oblige. The system works similar to the way you're used to, simply generate a code, give it to your friend and they have 48 hours to log in to Wizard101 and enter the code, only now you don't have to be online for them to become your True Friend! This should make it much easier for you to meet up in Wizard101 with people you know outside the game.
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| | | | | Treasure Card Booster Packs!
We are proud to announce the addition of Booster Packs to Wizard101. What is a Booster pack you ask? It's a sealed package of random Treasure cards that you purchase from Zeke in Ravenwood. You never know what Treasure Cards you're going to find, but once you've opened the pack - you've purchased it!
Our first set is the "Eye of Bartleby", which contains 120 different cards. When you buy a pack, you will receive 7 random cards from that set.

We'll be adding more sets of Booster packs in the future, so keep checking back to see what Zeke has in his backpack.
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Ranked PvP for All Players
 We'd like to invite all our Free to Play players to join in on the adventure of Ranked Player vs Player! Each duel will cost 80 Crowns per Ranked match. Your Crowns are not deducted until you Click the "Enter Arena" button.
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| | | | | Wizard Help
We've added a new Help feature to get new Wizards off to a quick start. Just look for the Help button up by your Menu Chat button. Experienced Wizards can turn this button off in the Options panel.

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Now for some more details. I want to thank all our community members for submitting these bugs so we can squish them!
Item Renames
Some items had names that were too long. Here are some of the items that have been renamed. If you own one of these items, the only thing that has changed is the name.
Grimcaster's Scimitar of Severity has been renamed to Grimcaster's Blade of Severity
Cloak of Self-Examination has been renamed to Cloak of Augury
Shoes of Self-Examination have been renamed to Shoes of Augury
Hat of Self Examination has been renamed to Hat of Self Awareness
Sylvia Drake's Sandals of the Chill have been renamed to Sylvia Drake's Chilled Sandals
Updates to Badges
Many of you reported some Badge overlaps, and we've corrected these.
- The badges for "Peacemaker" and "The Purifier" no longer overlap each other.
The badge "Draconian Master" no longer overlaps the "No Badge" title or "Grandmaster" title.
- Krokosphinx Delver badge is now being properly granted.
Updates to Equipment
Some items previously did not grant the cards they promised. We've addressed these omissions.
- Dragonrider Staff now adds 5 cards
- The Longblade of the Homonculus now gives a card, can be sold and equipped.
- Pet sheep can now be dyed. That's right...Pet Sheep!
- Rat Magicians are no longer doing their disappearing act, and should appear at your side faithfully.
- Malistaire's robes now give cards.
- Pet Sprites are no longer blushing
- Spiderkeeper's Frostcharm now gives a card.
- The Dragonspyre Decks are now allowing seven school specific cards.
Changes to the World
- Look for new and rare Silver Chests.
- You will now continue to regain health while travelling on the Marleybone airships.
- New players must complete the tutorial before they can enter Ravenwood, Gamma's room or the Shopping District
- Marleybone Hat shop now open 24/7
- All gauntlet doors now lead the player back to the previous section, rather than forcing you out of the gauntlet.
- Cave of Solitude Krakens no longer float up into the air.
Changes to the Buttons
Some updates and additions have been added to your Options panel.
- We've added an option for you to turn off all the chat balloons. You can view your chat in the chat window if you prefer.
- We've introduced a new Help menu at the top, for players who are just getting started in Wizard101. You can turn this Help button off in the Options menu.
Some small cosmetic changes have been made to combat.
 - All casting swords now show the player entering the center of the dueling ring to cast the spell.
- Heckhounds no longer positively affect the player's health.
- Players who flee a PvP match will have to wait five minutes before they can join another match.
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